These two rearing practices are not unique to the Egyptian families, but they manifest in the Egyptian cultural context in a unique way. In addition to explaining these rituals and their cultural meanings, we argue that these rituals can be beneficial or distressing to parents and children ...
Within this ancient culture, a number of myths, gods, and rituals provide us with rich insight into the values, beliefs, and practices of Egyptians. A large number of gods are instrumental in revealing the worldview of the Ancient Egyptians, including their mythology. Creation myths, funeral ...
The first passage below (F6) is a detailed description of the practices of Egyptian temple functionaries by one of their own. As a trained Stoic philosopher, Chairemon presents the material in a way that fits with ideals of Greek philosophy (e.g. self-control), portraying the priests...
such as alkaloids and flavonoids, provides insight into the psychoactive and therapeutic uses of these in ancient ritual practices. This multidisciplinary study highlights
Their belief in the rebirth after death became their driving force behind their funeral practices. Death was simply a temporary interruption, rather than an end to life, and that eternal life could be ensured by means of worship to the gods, preservation of the physical form thru mummification,...
"In imitation of true religion with its miracles, signs, and gifts of the Spirit, Satan has substitute rituals and practices calledmagic. Attempts by unauthorized and therefore powerless ministers to duplicate the miraculous wonders of true religion result in the degenerate worship of magic. In its...
With that said, the focus of the book shifts away from the study of Egyptian deities and mythology but centers rather around the implication of divinity at a societal and individual level. Overviews of theology and piety take precedence over the specific practices and technical beliefs of Egyptian...
and rituals so everyone can continue to survive under the principle of Maat and under the control of a divine deity. When Egypt was formed as the only independent state in 3100 BC, the Pharaoh took charge of these religious tasks and was seen as a representative of the gods, and managing...
Temples were buildings used for rituals and there were two types; cult temples and funerary temples. Cult temples would contain the images of deities that would be worshipped, while funerary temples contained shrines for the dead kings or acted as the location for funerary practices....
For about twenty years, he largely replaced the Egyptian state religion’s age-old beliefs and practices and deposed its spiritual hierarchy, led by the powerful priesthood of Amun at Thebes. The Egyptians had praised an extended family of gods and goddesses for fifteen centuries, each with its...