The average number of babies an Egyptian Mau has is 6. What is an interesting fact about Egyptian Maus? Egyptian Maus are an ancient breed of domestic cat! What is the scientific name for the Egyptian Mau? The scientific name for the Egyptian Mau is Felis catus. Are Egyptian Maus good pe...
000 years to the cats whose images adorn the temples and halls of ancient Egypt. The name “mau” comes from the ancient Egyptian word for cat. Egyptian maus are known for their athleticism and are some of the fastest runners among domestic cats, reaching speeds of up to 30 miles per hou...
History of the Egyptian Mau The Egyptians were well known not only as lovers of cats but also as worshipers of them. In the Book of the Dead, Ra, the God of the Sun, is portrayed as a spotted Tabby cat. He is depicted in Egyptian art as slaying the serpent Apep. In many Egyptian...