having his livestock destroyed and the usefulness of his cows tampered with; and still further, how many a man hath been tortured and tantalized at night, from early childhood, by wicked peo計le of that ilk; so much so that they
18+ Performance and Property: Easy to learn, Simple to master, Predict any thought of card **Unveiling the Secrets of the Ancient World** Step into the realm of ancient Egyptian lore with the Egyptian Gods Oracle Cards, a unique tarot prophecy divination deck designed to bring the wisdom of...
Religion is one of the most fascinating and puzzling aspect of any ancient civilization. In the Mediterranean region no other religion has ever reached the ritual complexity, both in terms of prescriptions and lore, of that developed and practiced by the ancient Egyptians over the course of three...
Bast is usually depicted as a human with a cat-like head to show her war-like side. In early Egyptian lore she was more like a lion. In later times, she was depicted as a domestic cat. The cat was greatly honored in Egypt. It protected the food supply from vermin and snakes. Bast...
this is Dr. Yong, a physician, acupuncturist, hypnotherapist, and spiritual explorer. I’m about to embark on a transformative 14-day pilgrimage to the sacred sites of Egypt, guided by experts and lore keepers. This is not just a journey—it’s a spiritual awakening that ...
Egyptianreligion.Anditiscertainthat,notwithstandingthecontinuousprogresswhich theEgyptiansmadeincivilization,andthehighintellectualdevelopmenttowhichthey eventuallyattained,thisbeliefinfluencedtheirmindsand,fromtheearliesttothelatest periodoftheirhistory,shapedtheirviewsconcerningthingstemporalaswellasspiritual ...
Steeped in silver screen lore, the venerable Los Angeles movie palace may seem an unlikely investment for a streaming giant that has made a fortune convincing viewers to watch films on their TVs, laptops and even phones. But for Netflix co-CEO Ted Sarandos, the chance to save a crumbling ...
Nutwas considered one of the oldest gods of Egypt, with her lore harking back to the founding story of Heliopolis, a city (corresponding to a present-day Cairo suburb) that had been inhabited since the Predynastic Period, circa 3100 BC. One hypothesis relates to how she was initially regard...
Historical games are usually extremely fascinating or incredibly boring. Riddle of the Sphinx: An Egyptian Adventure falls in the first class but only after getting past the initial few puzzles. Playing off the infamous and mysterious curses so prevalent in Egyptian lore, the game, in fact, does...
Goodness has a spiritual fragrance (a fact noted in Sufi lore and by Swedenborg who mentioned that the ancient Egyptians the last to fully understand the science of correspondences). Subtlety is more difficult to acknowledge and recognize when what is taught conflicts diametrically with what people ...