Due to his popularity over thousands of years,Anubis is one of the most identifiable gods of ancient Egypt. Typically pictured as a man with the black head of a jackal, depictions of Anubis have been found throughout Egypt in nearly every tomb and funerary temple. During the preparation of ...
Isis is the “Goddess with Ten Thousand Names” Although this statement is an exaggeration, she does have many names Some of these are Aset, Aust, Eenohebis, Eset, Esu, Hesat, Iahu, Unt, Urethekau, and Werethekau. Isis was also associated with the other Egyptian goddesses,SekhmetandHa...
Believed to be one of the oldest gods of ancient Egypt, the first myths of Horus named him as the son of the god of the earth, Geb, and the goddess of the sky, Nut. In these earlier iterations of Horus’ myth, Horus was the younger brother of Osiris and Isis, with Horus given ch...
The actions of the Egyptian gods were controlled by the principles of Maat which created and totally sustained every part of nature and all living things. Their force and influence came from their power in utilizing Heka also known as magic that was used to form the entire world and even the...
The most complete list of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses you'll find, along with alternate names and descriptions.
Egyptian Goddess Of Motherhood Hathor Dollhouse Miniature Statue Gods Of Egypt $12.49 Hathor Statue - $32.40 Egyptian Goddess Hathor Neoclassical Design Sculpture $28.00 Ancient Egyptian Antiquities Statue of Goddess Hathor Rare Egyptian Antiques BC ...
Names and Titles Amun was given the title “King of the Gods” of Upper Egypt. Scholars discovered several different spellings of the name Amun in Egyptian literature. Some of the different spellings are Am, Amen, Amon, Amoun, Ammon and Hammon. ...
Egyptian God Names for Dogs The god & protector of the underworld, Anubis, was depicted with a dog’s head. This dog looks like one of these breeds, possibly a Basenji. This god was significant to Egyptians as it guided the dead souls to judgment in the afterlife. Dogs freely roamed thr...
No origin story of Bes is known to exist, and he was often linked with other minor protective gods of Egypt. However, Bes was the only minor god linked with childbirth and the protection of infants. Incantations for Bes to watch over infants were often invoked and past down generationally,...
In the royal capital of Thebes, Khonsu was often pictured with the prince’s side-braid, a lock of hair that identified Khonsu holding the divine role of the child of Amun and Mut. However, in many of these depictions, Khonsu also wore the curved beard of the gods reserved for adult ...