Osiris complex, where the king took on the personae of Re, the sun god, and of Osiris, a transfiguration considered necessary for his divine afterlife. Beyond the Osiris complex, along the temple axis, is a third small hall and the main shrine for the Theban god Amon; two lateral shrines...
In later times, Abydos would become a cult center for Osiris, god of the underworld. A temple dedicated to him flourished at Abydos, and every year a great procession was held that would see an image of Osiris carried from his temple to a tomb the Egyptians believed to be his (it actua...
Anubis' role shifted from being the primary god of the dead to a subordinate position to Osiris. Anubis became the god of mummification and guardian of the tombs, while Osiris assumed the role of the ruler of the underworld and judge of the dead....
Atum was part ofthe Great Ennead,a group ofnine deitiesworshipped at Heliopolis. The others were his children, the god Shu and the goddess Tefnut, his grandchildren Geb and Nut, and his great grandchildren Osiris, Isis, Set, andNephthys. Atum was alsopartneredwith the other solar deities li...
The god Osiris was also closely associated with the Nile and the fertility of the land. During inundation festivals, mud figures of Osiris were planted with barley.[ Ploughing with a yoke of horned cattle in ancient Egypt. Painting from the burial chamber of Sennedjem, c. 1200 BC ...
Osiris Pillars Ramesses On The Wall Ramesses The Great The Colossi of Ramesses II The God Re-Harakhte. The Inner Sanctuary The International Rescue The Temple of Nefertari The Temple of Nefertari Tour Aswan Directory Always Coca Cola? Looking Towards Elephantine Island. Sailing at Aswan. The Cat...
God (Osiris)’ in Abydos (Simpson,1974). Those monuments served the same purpose and were thought to convey the benefits which they evoked to their owners. Visitors, who more or less accidentally passed by the tomb or a memorial , were highly welcome to enter the tomb’s chapel or to ...
Start your mysterious afterlife journey to pass through the underworld realm of Osiris The Favorite Game Of The Pharaoh Tutankhamun. The Artifact Of The World's Oldest Board Game Found In King Tut's Tomb, Beside The Golden Coffin & Sarcophagus. ...
Start your mysterious afterlife journey to pass through the underworld realm of Osiris The Favorite Game Of The Pharaoh Tutankhamun. The Artifact Of The World's Oldest Board Game Found In King Tut's Tomb, Beside The Golden Coffin & Sarcophagus. ...
Despite a curse from her father which left her barren, Nut seduced the god Thoth. She gave birth to five more children on the epagomenal days of the Egyptian calendar. Her children, Osiris, Haroeris, Set, Isis and Nephthys, became five important gods in Egypt....