See also a poem by Margaret Atwood,Sekhmet, the Lion-headed Goddess of War Illustration:Kom Ombo Temple Karnak Horus Temple at Edfu See also:Metropolitan Museum of Art: Five statues of the Goddess Sakhmet . Set(h) Osiriswas a king who taught the Egyptians how to live, worship and grow ...
Ptahwas the head of a triad of gods worshipped at Memphis. The other two members of the triad were Ptah’s wife, the lion-headed goddessSekhmet, and the godNefertem, who may have been the couple’s son. Ptah’s original association seems to have been with craftsmen and builders. The ...
Hathor was the goddess of joy, motherhood, and love. She was considered the protectress of pregnant women and a midwife. She was the patron of all women, no matter their station in life. As the goddess of music and dancing her symbol was thesistrum. As a fertility goddess and a goddess...
the twin of Isis, the wife of Set, and the mother of Anubis from Osiris. She is considered to be a dark goddess opposite to the light of her sister Isis the goddess of healing and motherhood. Her name means "Mistress of the Temple Enclosure" or "Mistress of the House" and ...
Bast - (a.k.a. Bastet, Ubastet, Ailuros) A famous cat-headed goddess who protected Egyptians from foreign attacks as well as fires. Later became known for cat-like sensuality. Bat - (a.k.a. Bata) A fertility goddess in the form of a cow. Was known in Upper Egypt. Benu - A su...
Hathor is the ancient Egyptian sky and mother Goddess Whose husband (or son) is the falcon-headed sun God Horus. Her name literally means "House of Horus" as the sky is the dwelling of the sun. Cows as emblems of nourishment are sacred to Her, and She usually is shown with some bovin...
Son of Nephtys and Ra: in early mythology texts, Ra (the sun God), was depicted as being Anubis’ father, while his mother was speculated as being either Hesat the cow goddess, Bastet the cat-headed warfare goddess, or Nephthys.Wife...
Lady of Heaven. Cult Center: Thebes. Attributes: Mut was the divine mother, the queen of all gods. She was the female counterpart of Amun. Mut usurped many of the other Egyptian goddess that exhibited the attributes of motherhood. During the New Kingdom,
Set Godofevil,thedesert,storms,andchaosAdevilfigureAntelopesaresacredtohimHatesOsiris(jealous)KillsOsirisandbecomeskingbeforeheiskilledbyHorusPartpigandpartdonkey Hathor Usuallydepictedasacoworasa beautifulwomanwearingahornedheaddressSheisbothwife/daughterofRaAlsomarriedHorus...
Interesting Fact About Sekhmet:She was also associated with the eye ofRa –the destructive force of the Sun God. Given such regal characteristics, it doesn’t really come as a surprise that many Pharaohs regarded the lion-headed goddess as theirprotector in battles. ...