Bastet, the Egyptian cat goddess, was said to protect women and children as well as guard the sun s power to ripen crops. Our museum-quality standing sculpture, with details including an ankh, scarab and traditional Egyptian dress, is crafted of quality designer resin, hand-painted in a ...
Khnum is the original patron god of potters and every single artist & craftsman who works in ceramic & pottery, and he is also considered the main source of the Nile. He originated from theNubia in Upper Egyptwhere he grow in power and fame. He is one of the oldest gods of Egypt in ...
Since cats were sacred to the people and Bastet, the death of a beloved cat would cause such great sadness that a family might shave off their eyebrows in mourning. Egyptians wouldmummify their beloved deceased catsand dedicate them to the goddess, bringing them to the temple as tribute. Duri...
1. The Ankh "Symbol of Life" The Ankh - Ancient Egyptian Symbols - Egypt Tours Portal The Ankh is one of the most famous and usedsymbols of ancient Egyptand the world the Ankh showcases the concept of internal like and divine protection. It’s a cross with a looped top in a key-lik...
The Pharaoh (originally meaning 'palace') was worshipped as a divine ruler (supposedly the incarnation of the god Horus), but typically maintained firm control through a strict bureaucratic hierarchy, whose members were often appointed on merit. For a contemporary comparison, see: Mesopotamian Art ...
Section of wall relief depicting a scene of statue-dragging before the tomb owner, with offering bearers below, from the tomb chapel of Niankhnesut, Saqqara, early 6th Dynasty (NMS A.1958.46). The king and his officials used their ability to dominate the natural world to justify their righ...
There is no article in Akehnaton's name; and there is no article in Tutankhamon's original name, which was Tutankhaton, . No article. However, we then see the articles in the names of the royal women, such as Tutankhamon's sister, wife, and Queen, originally Ankhesenpaaton, , "...
6. Bastet/Sekhmet –Bastet was venerated as the benevolent Egyptian ‘Cat’ goddess of love, fertility, joy, dance, women, and secrets. Sekhmet, her alter-ego, was invoked as the warrior lioness deity who protected the Pharaohs. 7. Maat –The Egyptian goddess of truth, justice, and, the...
Note:The Ankh symbol is a symbol of life, protection, faith, energy, transformation, light, and fertility. The Ankh can also refer to the concepts and symbols of sexual union between the two opposite sexes and fertility due to its connection to the goddess Isis. The Ankh is the clearest ...