Nigerians Dream Of EgyptOkey NdibeIykeProf PenkelemessIgboamaezeMasambaMasangaJohny has beenRamses OsirisOnariAristarchy
Next time we travel to Egypt, we plan on having ourvisas arranged with iVisain advance. That way, we know for sure we have the visa in hand before traveling. Whenever you show up to a country expecting a visa on arrival, you are running the risk that you could be denied it. Butif...
Nigeria, Nigeria Village Square, Nigerians, While the history of Egypt predates that of the Biblical narratives, it is then sensible to believe that the compilers of the Bible in the first to fourth centuries must have re-wrote Isaac into the Biblical nar...
This finding is different from previous studies conducted in Western developed markets, such as the U.S. market, that mainly focus on “green” issues and caring for the environment. Our finding partly supports the results reported in some developing countries such as Malaysia and Lebanon in term...
Nigerians are capable of reclaiming their much-abused country from the thieftains who run amok, plundering, pillaging and laying waste. But they must first recognize two truths: that the Tunisians and Egyptians did it through sheer determination...
Body weight and linear body measurements were taken on 139 adult rabbits belonging to a composite population in south-western Nigeria. The objectives of this study were to define the body dimensions of adult heterogeneous rabbits and investigate the morphological variables that contribute to body ...