Hunter和Ra于1946年在芝加哥第一次见面,当时他们都是蓝调/Rn'B艺术家Li'l Green乐队的成员。亨特后来在瑞典学习电影制作,和Ra一样,对录音产生了兴趣。亨特在1961年至1964年间的编舞工作坊上创造了独特的空间回声和混响,这是Sun Ra和Arkestra制作的传奇唱片的特点,产生了非凡的LP,如“心理治疗的宇宙音调”、“当...
It’s really unfortunate because you soon become immune to the strategies employed by people working at ancient Egyptian sites that you put your guard up anytime someone tries to help you or wants to talk to you. I personally got to the point where I didn’t even want to do any souvenir...
At the time of the development of the current project, none of the RECs in Egypt had written SOPs. Guidelines for SOPs would assist individual Egyptian RECs in writing their own SOPs and ensure consistency between existing and future RECs in Egypt. Additionally, SOPs need to be established in...
AI-based natural language speech recognition software can minimize the time clinicians have to spend completing documentation and other paperwork. “Jumping between disparate platforms—within and outside of clinical workflows—to complete everyday tasks or access information creates friction and negatively ...
Urban water authorities and water planers in many countries are struggling to satisfy the growing urban water and sanitation demands, while at the same time achieving sustainability of the urban water system. This research focused on the assessment of the environmental impact of today's Alexandria'...
In this study, the ET pathways cover the period 2020 to 2050 using 5-year time steps and under different scenarios. Constraints are applied to the pathways for considering different kinds of limitations. For example, the RE capacities share of the entire energy system cannot grow by more than...
I had arrived four years earlier with a two-year contract to teach at the American University, leaving behind a girlfriend and several part-time positions. It was a welcome relief from shuttling back and forth among different universities, teaching everything from composition to public speaking ...
German politicians fell over themselves in moral gymnastics to justify a death toll that has been the deranged phenomenon of our time. Berlin turned the lives of seasoned German diplomats and professional cultural workers abroad into a neurotic hell as they were forced to navigate between the German...
There were many ways that the Ancient Egyptian society and the Mesopotamian society were similar yet at the same time they were very different. Egyptians and Sumerians agreed on religion in a sense that both cultures were polytheistic. However, the relationships between the gods and goddesses were...
They can tell us about the environment at the time and the geological history of the area. Other experts look at chipped stone to see the tools uncovering the barracks Walls for galleries like army barracks, where many people could sleep in a small area, were found in the middle of the ...