The exporter identification number issued by the relevant authority. ※ 埃及进口商税务登记号码Egyptian Importer Tax Registration Number(9位数字) (根据埃及2021年38号财政部长法令,埃及港口将实施“Advanced Cargo Information(ACI)declaration”预报货物资料规定,所有进口到埃及的货物,埃及收货人在当地系统预报货物资料...
Each tokenized diamond is linked to a unique identification number that verifies its … The Impact of KSH Holdings Limited Consortium on the Construction Industry / Enhancing Sustainable Building Practices KSH Holdings Limited, a leading construction company, has been at the forefront of driving ...
Once the required paperwork is successfully submitted, the importer will receive a special shipment identification number (ACID). This ACID number can be requested for a specific shipment through the Nafeza portal by either the Egyptian importer themselves or a customs broker representing the importe...
The exporter identification number issued by the relevant authority (Max - 17digits) 2)Egyptian Importer Tax Registration Number(a 9-digit number issued by the Egyptian Tax Authority) 3)ACID Number(a 19-digit number uniquely identifying the ACI shipment). The above information would be submitted ...
In 1173 he forwarded a request to the North-African communities to aid in releasing a number of captives. The original of the last document has been preserved (M. xliv. 8). He caused the Karaites to be removed from the court (J. Q. R. xiii. 104). He also served Saladin's ...
The coffin contains a number of unusual features, likely a product of the Persian Empire's deportation of Egyptian artists. 2,400-Year-Old Coffin's 'Odd' Art Hints at Ancient Egypt's Brain Drain Live Science - December 9, 2014 In ancient Egyptian coffin with strange and amateurish ...
A number of year labels have also been discovered dating to his reign at the First Dynasty burial site of Umm el-Qa'ab in Abydos. Qa'a is believed to have ruled Egypt around 2916 BCE. A dish inscribed with the name and titles of Qa'a was discovered in the tomb of Peribsen (Tomb ...
We reserve the right to determine the manner of carriage and to limit the number of animals which may be carried on a flight. 8.9.2 If accepted as Baggage, the animal, together with its container and food, shall not be included in your free Baggage allowance, but shall constitute excess...
The sector's contribution to GDP has fallen gradually from 20% in FY 1986/87 to 16% in FY 2001/02, and the number of Egyptians employed in the sector has fallen, from 34% of the total labor force in FY 1990/91 to 27% in Fy2001/02. Construction on the Toshka project began in ...
A number of papers (on agricultural productivity, conflict, food security, and impacts of climate change, for example) use cropland cover data as controls. How good are these data? Here’s the abstract of a paper (open access) from Wei and co-authors: Accurate geo-information of cropland...