1. 排气再循环系 汽车专业英语词汇(2) ... 后燃器 after burner排气再循环系EGR system排气再循环 exhaust gas recirculation ... www.diyifanwen.com|基于105个网页 2. 排气再回缩系统故障 发动机-我的家-搜狐博客 ... 52 爆震感知器信号( Knock Sensor 71排气再回缩系统故障(EGR System72 燃油切断电磁阀(...
The primary objective of the EGR system is to reduce the peak combustion temperature, which hinders the formation of NOx gases. Hence, lowering the exhaust gas temperature improves this effect.The size and shape of the EGR cooler depend on the engine size, type, and emissions standard. ...
The primary objective of the EGR system is to reduce the peak combustion temperature, which hinders the formation of NOx gases. Hence, lowering the exhaust gas temperature improves this effect.The size and shape of the EGR cooler depend on the engine size, type, and emissions standard. ...
①、在ERCS-MOP的EGR Main或者Water Auxiliaries界面点击【Water Treatment System】按钮,出现提示【Accept to Run EGR without Water Treatment System】点击【YES】按钮。此时系统发出报警,但EGR运行不受影响。 ②、在ERCS-MOP的EGR Main 或者Water Auxiliaries界面点击【Water Treatment System】按钮,出现提示【Accept t...
WTS:WaterTreatmentSystem,排放水处理系统。 控制系统方面,相较于传统电喷主机两块MOP屏,多了一块ERCS MOP,如下图: Fig.3: ERCS MOP EGR Main EGR系统除启停操作需在ECS MOP或者 EMSMOP上操作外,其余相关参数或操作均在ERCS MOP上。ERCSMOP与ECS MOP&EMS MOP类似,有Chief和Operator两级权限,ChiefLevel进入需...
The invention also relates to a combustion engine (2) with such an EGR system (4) and a vehicle (1) which includes such a combustion engine (2).SPONTN OVE
Fig.2EGRSysteminaFordEngine EGR阀除了前述真空控制式外,还有计算机直接控制式。计算 机直接控制式EGR阀包括数字式EGR阀和线性EGR阀。 数字式EGR阀含有多达三个电磁阀。这三个电磁阀都直接由 PCM控制。每个电磁阀都有一根可动针阀。这些电磁阀控制的气孔 ...
SAE Technical Paper 06-2019-01-1143. 2. C. Song, Z. Xu, S. Zhang. (2018) “Modeling and Adaptive Control of Exhaust Gas Recirculation System in Diesel Engines.” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 26(3): 1145-1152.
图1 EGR By-Pass System(Bore:300-700mm) 1.主机EGR系统废气循环主要由:排烟总管、烟气进口阀(SOV)、烟气洗涤喷头、冷却器、除湿器、EGR变频风机、烟气出口阀(BTV)、烟气混合腔室、主机扫气箱、扫气箱旁通阀(CBV)及氧气分析仪等附件组成。 2.主机EGR系统水循环主要由:废水收集柜(BUFFER TANK)、供给泵(TWSP)...