English |简体中文 1 Docs The official docs for developers. Viewhttps://ego-org.com 2 Introduction EGO is a microservice-oriented governance framework implemented by golang, which integrates various engineering practices. Through the component-based design pattern, it is guaranteed that the business ...
It is used in specific speechsituations, in rather fixed structures of utterance which are analyzed on the basis of Plautus' and Terence's comic oeuvre. The analysis of fourty-nine occurences, studied not only from a grammatical, but also a pragmatic or functional point of view, allows us ...
在Apple Music 上欣赏托马斯 · 艾伦, 伦敦交响合唱团, 安德烈・普列文 & 伦敦交响乐团的《Carmina Burana, Pt. 2, In Taberna: Ego sum abbas Cucaniensis》。1975年。时长:1:22
在Apple Music 上欣赏迪特里希・菲舍尔-迪斯考, 柏林德意志歌剧院合唱团 , 柏林德意志歌剧院交响乐团 & 欧根 · 约胡姆的《Carmina Burana, II. in Taberna: "Ego sum abbas"》。1995年。时长:1:31
First published in 1979 but never available in English until now,Ego Sumchallenges, through a careful and unprecedented reading of Descartes's writings, the picture of Descartes as the father of modern philosophy:the thinker who founded the edifice of knowledge on the absolute self-certainty of a...
field intensity, field strength - the vector sum of all the forces exerted by an electrical or magnetic field (on a unit mass or unit charge or unit magnetic pole) at a given point in the field candlepower, light intensity - luminous intensity measured in candelas acoustic power, sound pre...
Please log in using an institutional account to see if you have access to view or download this content. For more information see https://www.degruyter.com/how-access-works Showing a limited preview of this publication: „PAPA EGO SUM“. Hans Pfitzners „Palestrina“ in Vergleich ...
19 Incola ego sum in terra: non abscondas a me mandata tua. 20 Concupivit anima mea desiderare justificationes tuas in omni tempore. 21 Increpasti superbos; maledicti qui declinant a mandatis tuis. 22 Aufer a me opprobrium et contemptum, quia testimonia tua exquisivi. ...