CGL-Certified Gemological Laboratories CGL-Online certificates verification At CGL, they know that the international diamond business is fast-moving and dynamic, and that quick turnarounds, high quality grading and superior levels of service are critical. That's why they offer several very important...
If you’re purchasing an EGL-graded stone, keep in mind that EGL USA has tighter grading standards – especially with regard to diamond color and clarity. However, there’s no guarantee that all EGL USA certified diamonds are better than those certified by EGL International. Although the EGL ...
Sealing of CertifiedDiamond Aenean molestie tortor erat, et felis luctus quis nec erat pharetra, rhoncus elit ac, commodo nibh. Aug 1998 Establishment of IGL (International Gemological Laboratories) the first Diamond Grading Laboratory in India. Oct 2003 IGL was selected to represent EGL in...
Zhou Zhi Yong of Guangzhou was awarded a diamond ring certified by EGL Asia, one of the world's four leading international gem labs, accompanied by NGGC
Sealing of CertifiedDiamond Aenean molestie tortor erat, et felis luctus quis nec erat pharetra, rhoncus elit ac, commodo nibh. Aug 1998 Establishment of IGL (International Gemological Laboratories) the first Diamond Grading Laboratory in India. Oct 2003 IGL was selected to represent EGL in...