Whether it’s a beachside drink or a fireside eggnog, that spirit of relaxation prevails in Overstrom-Coleman’s cocktails: “It should taste like vacation in your glass.” Drink with us. Get our freshest features and recipes weekly. Go By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms ...
There are two types of people in this world: people who love eggnog and people who despise it. I'm in the camp that loves it, but I also have to say that I totally get why you may not like it. I believe a lot of it has to do with the consistency of the drink. It's very ...
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With the right hit of booze and sweetness, a glass of chilled eggnog is a cherished holiday drink. Our homemade eggnog has a luxurious consistency that pairs perfectly with brandy, bourbon, or dark rum, but you could also leave out the alcohol and serve it to the whole family. Aged spi...
20 Festive Christmas Cocktail Recipes "This is classic eggnog at its best. It's creamy, just sweet enough, and just boozy enough. I used a mix of bourbon and aged rum which made for a well-rounded, delicious drink." —Laurel Randolph ...
I didn't even know that eggnog was a "spiked" drink until well into my adult years! Simply Recipes / Annika Panikker Even now, I prefer my eggnog only lightly boozed, if at all. So this recipe is only lightly spiked; feel free to increase the rum and bourbon to your heart's...
This cocktail was originally drawn up as a vodka-based drink. Over the years, I’ve tried just about everything in place of vodka. Bourbon or cognac would be my two recommendations to supplant the vodka. If you’re still on the fence, a nice spiced or funky dark rum would be my next...
As it's sold, eggnog is usually not analcoholic drink. But it's frequently used as the base of Christmas holiday cocktails. And theoriginal eggnog recipes, which date back to the 1700s, included alcohol. "I like eggnog, but it is super seasonal for me," Dunne says. "It is usually...
Eggnog Recipes"Egg Not" (Eggless Eggnog)4.8 (32) 28 Reviews 3 PhotosI developed this recipe because of my love for eggnog and my dislike of the thought of drinking raw eggs. I spent quite a long time and much trial and error before being confident enough to finalize this recipe. Tast...
If making the beverage alcoholic, stir in rum now. Refrigerate at least 3 hours or overnight before serving. Recipe Video Homemade Classic Eggnog Recipe Notes This post may contain affiliate links that help us provide more free recipes!