W1000 ST9/ST38 Premium White at the entrance area. Delimited area within a studio. The architect designed a studio by maximizing the available space. The design of small flats has always been a challenge, but in this studio the final result was surprising. Small places like these emphasise...
W1000 ST9至尊白至尊白是一款高品质单色,温暖的外观令它适合与自然色调木纹花色形成和谐的对比。表面纹理 ST9 柔焦哑光面带来可与烤漆面媲美的哑光质感。勇业库存信息 双饰面板 8mm18mm25mm 防火板 封边带 台面板 备注:库存数据会实时更新,请以最终咨询确认为准,为非勇业常规库存。如需要,请与销售经理进一步...
U960 TM9 玛瑙灰 U999 TM9 黑色 U740 TM9 深灰棕 H1227 TM12 棕色阿巴诺梣木 H3041 TM12 自然尤加利 U188 ST9 贝壳白 H3342 TM28 黑褐色格莱斯顿橡木 W980 ST7/ST39 铂金白 W1000 ST9 至尊白 W1000 SM 至尊白 U702 ST9 米灰色羊绒
2024索以推出: 新品爱格EGGER 22厚 H3157 PM/ST9极致哑光系列维琴察橡木的木纹纹路呈现出自然优雅的线条感,是一款非常经典的橡木花色。低调的配色以及少许灰色元素令花色极具现代感。更多花色请来电咨询. #爱格EGGER #进口版材 #环保板材 #沈阳全屋定制 #沈阳全屋定制工厂 @索以SUOYI沈阳展厅· 4月15日索以SUOYI...
🖤U999 PM 黑色(极致哑光)极致奢华哑光面板,婴儿肌肤般触感,指纹不留痕。🤍W1000 ST9 至尊白温暖的白色,柔焦哑光面,可与烤漆面媲美。 ️感谢boks博克斯提供的案例@BOKS博克斯全屋家居定制#爱格板#广东勇业#极简#家的样子@爱格EGGER 8 5 2 4
Boards: EGGER OSB 4 Top, Compact Laminate with a black and a white core, Eurolight, Laminate, Eurodekor, OSB Combiline, MDF, ProAcoustic and ABS edges Decors: W1000 ST9 Premium White, W980 ST9 Platinum White, H3344 ST36 Highline Oak, H1334 ST9 Light Ferrara Oak, U732 ST9 Dust Gre...
公寓:爱格双饰面板 H1145 格调克制,肆意休闲 北欧风格的良好氛围更多信息 公寓:W1000,U797 和 U504 与台面板 H1145 蓝色现代梦幻住宅 建筑师发掘这座公寓隐藏的潜力。更多信息 健身工作室:木纹花色 H1146 橡木 放松身心的天堂 致力于身心放松的豪华健身房品牌 Eclectic 在英国 Bangor 这个热闹小城的商业街开...
8mm18mm25mm 防火板 封边带 台面板 备注:库存数据会实时更新,请以最终咨询确认为准,为非勇业常规库存。如需要,请与销售经理进一步确认。 建议搭配花色 U999 PM/ST9 黑色(极致哑光) W1000 PM/ST9 至尊白(极致哑光) F812 PT 白色莱万托大理石 应用案例...
W1000 ST9/ST38 Premium White at the entrance area. Delimited area within a studio. The architect designed a studio by maximizing the available space. The design of small flats has always been a challenge, but in this studio the final result was surprising. Small places like these emphasise...
W1000 ST9/ST38 Premium White at the entrance area. Delimited area within a studio. The architect designed a studio by maximizing the available space. The design of small flats has always been a challenge, but in this studio the final result was surprising. Small places like these emphasise...