REVEAL CKD: Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) Decline Before and After a CKD Diagnosis Among Patients With CKD Stage 3doi:10.1681/ASN.20223311S1302bNavdeep TangriUniversity of Manitoba Department of Internal Medicine, Winnipeg, MB, CanadaStefan Franzén...
I saw a patient in the office last week who was quite distressed because he was told by his physician that he now had stage 3 CKD (chronic kidney disease). His creatinine had been slightly abnormal for a number of years, and it had not changed at all during those years. The only thin...
现有数据显示,CKD 患病率的增加与终末期肾病发病率的成比例增加无关,而且在特定的 eGFR 阈值下的风险因年龄组而异。因此,有必要对 CKD 进行年龄适应性的定义以合理解释正常衰老。 近期,发表在《Annals of Internal Medicine》的一项研究评估了在老年人中,采用 3 种不同公式(基于血肌酐的 eGFRcr 公式、基于胱抑...
慢性肾脏病的病因包括各种各样的肾脏疾病,包括糖尿病肾病(DKD),且占CKD患者比例高,因此选择糖尿病患者群体进行研究以确定早期识别CKD指标及ESKD的替代终点指标有重要代表价值。[1-3] 目前国际公认和临床最常用的CKD诊断及分期标准为估算的...
因此,在临床应用SGLT2抑制剂时,我们会观察到患者肌酐一过性增加。这究竟在远期会对肾功能产生什么样的影响?对于CKD-4期的患者,是否会限制其应用? 研究背景 CARDIOVASCULAR METABOLIC MEDICINE 2021 2021年5月JASN上发表的一篇对DAPA-CKD...
CKD stage Interpretation2 ≥90b 1 Normal 60-89b 2 Mild decrease 45-59 3A Mild to moderate decrease 30-44 3B Moderate to severe decrease 15-29 4 Severe decrease <15 5 Kidney failure CKD, chronic kidney disease; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate. ...
eGFR为使用慢性肾脏病流行病学协作方程将患者血清肌酐值转换为肾小球滤过率后使用统计学相关模型、每个个体使用非结构化方差-协方差矩阵、随机截距和随机斜率后得出,该数值表现出早期识别CKD指标及ESKD的替代终点指标的巨大潜力。[5] eGFR下降幅度与发生ESKD存在强相关性 有日本研究使用J-DREAMS队列中的51483名糖尿病...
因此,在临床应用SGLT2抑制剂时,我们会观察到患者肌酐一过性增加。这究竟在远期会对肾功能产生什么样的影响?对于CKD-4期的患者,是否会限制其应用? 研究背景 CARDIOVASCULAR METABOLIC MEDICINE 2021 2021年5月JASN上发表的一篇对DAPA-CKD的事后分析论文《Effects of Dapagliflozin in Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease》...
CKD has a prevalence of 15% and affects 30 million people in the US4,5. In addition to the risk of progressing to end-stage-renal disease (ESRD), CKD is associated with significant cardiovascular morbidity and mortality6,7. Patients with an eGFR of <15 ml/min/1.73 m2, for ...
Unfortunately, serum creatinine concentration is a very poor marker of the early stages of CKD. For example, a recent study in Salford shows that 80% of women with diabetes and stage 3 CKD [glomerular filtration rate (GFR) 30–60 ml min 1 展开 ...