易于使用的肌酐清除率和肾小球滤过率计算器在一个屏幕上。 请用于药物剂量的检查和肾功能衰竭的评估。 易于使用的肌酐清除率和肾小球滤过率计算器在一个屏幕上。 请用于药物剂量的检查和肾功能衰竭的评估。 您可以选择公制(kg,cm)或英制(lb,ft,inch)作为体重和身高的单位。
New Creatinine- and Cystatin C-Based Equations to Estimate GFR without Race. N Engl J Med. 2021 Nov 4;385(19):1737-1749. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2102953. Epub 2021 Sep 23. PMID: 34554658; PMCID: PMC8822996. TheeGFR using CKD-EPI (Creatinine-Cystatin C) Equation (2021)calculator is created...
CalculatorAboutReferencesSchwartz Pediatric eGFR, Full Model (2009) The full Schwartz pediatric eGFR calculation requires height, serum creatinine, cystatin C, blood urea nitrogen and gender. Questions 1.Creatinine? 2.Height? 3.Cystatin C? 4.Blood urea nitrogen or urea (SI)? 5.Gender?
CKD-EPI Creatinine Equation (2021). TheeGFR using CKD-EPI (2021 update)calculator is created by QxMD. Created byon 28/09/2015 By using this site you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to be bound by ourterms of useandprivacy policy.All content and tools are for educati...
The CKD-EPI 2021 equation is: eGFR = 142 x min(standardized Scr/K,1)α* max(standardized Scr/K,1)-1.200* 0.9938age in years* 1.012 [if female] where: Scr = serum creatinine in mg/dL K = 0.7 (females) or 0.9 (males) α = -0.241 (females) or -0.302 (males) ...
eGFR calculator is used to estimate glomerular filtration rate, which describes the flow rate of filtered fluid through the kidney. This calculator uses serum creatinine, age, race and gender as variables to calculate eGFR. The formula used in this calculator (186 (175 if IDSM box is checked)...
按计算按钮,不显示结果。不好用 按计算按钮,不显示结果。不好用 网名不要太长,像我这样就好。 , 2018/04/13 没用 计算没反应 心心心心心216 , 2019/03/27 。。。 根本算不起 辣鸡。。。 iinmh , 2018/11/22 以前好用现在单位不知道 a s f c Copyright...
Median serum creatinine values at hospital admission were 0.91 mg/dL (IQR 0.74–1.18), median eGFR values 77 mL/min/1.73 m2 (IQR 54–91); eGFR values <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 were found in 208 (30.5 %) patients, and a serum creatinine value over 1.2 mg/dl was found...
易于使用的肌酐清除率和肾小球滤过率计算器在一个屏幕上。 请用于药物剂量的检查和肾功能衰竭的评估。 易于使用的肌酐清除率和肾小球滤过率计算器在一个屏幕上。 请用于药物剂量的检查和肾功能衰竭的评估。 您可以选择公制(kg,cm)或英制(lb,ft,inch)作为体重和身高的单位。
易于使用的肌酐清除率和肾小球滤过率计算器在一个屏幕上。 请用于药物剂量的检查和肾功能衰竭的评估。 易于使用的肌酐清除率和肾小球滤过率计算器在一个屏幕上。 请用于药物剂量的检查和肾功能衰竭的评估。 您可以选择公制(kg,cm)或英制(lb,ft,inch)作为体重和身高的单位。