(1999) Three-color flow cytometry analysis of tricistronic expression of eBFP, eGFP, and eYFP using EMCV-IRES linkages. Cytometry, 37, 51-59.Mary Lynn Musco et al.Three-Color Flow Cytometry Analysis of Tricistronic Expression of eBFP,eGFP and eYFP Using EMCV-IRES Linkages. Cytometry ....
Grace, Three-color flow cytometry analysis of tricistronic expression of eBFP, eGFP, and eYFP using EMCV-IRES linkages, Cytometry. 37 (1999) 51- 59.Zhu J,Musco ML,Grace MJ.Three-color flowcytometry analysis of tricistronic expression of eBFP,eGFP,and eYFP using EMCV-IRES linkages. Cyto...