contents 一二三四五 背景介绍实验流程实验步骤预期结果参考文献 医学精制 2 第几章 一、背景介绍 1、绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)2、质粒3、大肠杆菌表达载体及表达系统4、SDS-PAGE原理及蛋白分离与检测 医学精制 3 一1-绿色荧光蛋白 1.1发现 下村修 马丁-查尔菲 钱学健 发现GFP 发光的遗传标签 科研 医学...
Fusions to the N terminus of EGFP retain the fluorescent properties of the native protein allowing the localization of the fusion protein in vivo . The target gene should be cloned into pEGFP-N1 so that it is in frame with the EGFP coding sequences, with no intervening in-frame stop codons...
4、nm; emission maximum = 507 nm.) pEGFP-N3 encodes the GFPmut1 variant (4) which contains the double-amino-acid substitution of Phe-64 to Leu and Ser-65 to Thr. The coding sequence of the EGFP gene contains more than 190 silent base changes which correspond to human codon-usage prefe...
EGFP在大肠杆菌Ecoli中的表达与检测 contents 一二三四五 背景介绍实验流程实验步骤预期结果参考文献 第几章 一、背景介绍 1、绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)2、质粒3、大肠杆菌表达载体及表达系统4、SDS-PAGE原理及蛋白分离与检测 一1-绿色荧光蛋白 1.1发现 下村修 马丁-查尔菲 钱学健 发现GFP 发光的遗传标签...
The RNA interference (RNAi) is a powerful tool to silence gene expression post-transcriptionally, and causes the degradation of an mRNA containing the same sequence. In this present study, an alternative approach was used to in vitro synthesize enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) specific ...
在mRNA特异序列处从一可译框架移至另一可译框架,是某些RNA病毒在 翻译水平上调控蛋白质合成的手段。核糖体移码包括+1核糖体移码和-1核 糖体移码,许多小RNA病毒利用-1核糖体移码,以Gag-Pol融合蛋白的形式 合成RNA聚合酶。诱导-1核糖体移码的产生包括两种结构,一种是存在不 稳定序列(slippery sequence),使氨基酰...
Internalrih)s0malentrysite(IRKS)sequence。CTLA4LgandEGFPcDNAwel'~recombinedwithretroviralvectorpLXSNwithgene recombinationtechnique. I11erecombinantplasmidwastransferredintoretrovimspackagingcelllinePA317byusinglipofectamine.. I11eresistant cloneswereselectedbyG418,andthentheclonescoexpressingCI1A4IgandBGFPgenes ...
betweentheimmediateearlypromoterofcytomegalo(PCMVIE)andtheIRESsequence. SV40polyadenylationsignalsdownstreamoftheEGFPgenedirectproperprocessingofthe3end ofthebicistronicmRNA.ThevectorbackbonealsocontainsanSV40originforreplicationin r mliancellpressingtheSV40Tantigen.Aneomycin-cassette(Neo),consistingof ...
目的:研究绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)在前列腺癌PC-3M细胞中表达及对其细胞周期的影响.方法:制备含绿色荧光蛋白基因的重组DNA,用阳离子脂质体Lipofectin Regant转染培养的PC-3M细胞,在倒置荧光显微镜下观察GFP的表达情况,同时经流式细胞仪测定阳性克隆的细胞周期.结果:转染后有10%~15%细胞表达绿色荧光蛋白,且阳性克隆细胞与亲本...
The NPC is the portal for the exchange of proteins, mRNA, and ions between nucleus and cytoplasm. Many small molecules (<10 kDa) permeate the nucleus by simple diffusion through the pore, but molecules larger than 70 kDa require ATP and a nuclear localization sequence for th...