Travel is also closely linked to professional success in the minds of business travelers. More than two-thirds of global travelers surveyed (67 percent) said they would be less successful in their role if they did not travel. Travelers inAustralia,Canada,China,India, UK, and the US agreed mo...
Egencia anticipates industry consolidation and tighter inventory management will push RPDs up 3 percent year-over-year inthe United States. InCanada, rates will stay slightly down year-over-year
Jasper Delegencia Edit pageAdd to list Track Actor Overview Credits About Images Videos Box Office Connections Clients News Credits 1 title Past Film & Video(1 title)BudgetOpening WeekendGross (US & Canada)Gross (Worldwide) Itsy Bitsy(2019)...
Past Film & Video (1 title) Budget Opening Weekend Gross (US & Canada) Gross (Worldwide) ICU Bed #7 (2005) Boom Operator Past Television (1 title) Episodes Mac & Chiz (2015) (TV Series) - Supervising Editor (13 episodes, 2015) Episode #2.10 (六月 28, 2015) Season 2, ...
Past Film & Video (1 title) Budget Opening Weekend Gross (US & Canada) Gross (Worldwide) ICU Bed #7 (2005) Boom Operator Past Television (1 title) Episodes Mac & Chiz (2015) (TV Series) - Supervising Editor (13 episodes, 2015) Episode #2.10 (六月 28, 2015) Season 2, ...