Adopting the yield of the epicatechin gallate (EGCG)-Cu complex as an indicator, the impact of four conditions, such as pH, reaction time, temperature and reactant ratio, on the synthesis of the target complex was analyzed to identify the optimal conditions on synthesizing the compound. The ...
The test showed thrt the complex had good byc- te/cidal pmpeOies. In order to explore the antibacteoal ability of EGCG-Cu complee , the growth yctivity of E. coU wys detected by spectophotomet/ , and it wys found thrt the higher concentration of the complee inhibited the growth of...
EGCG-Cu络合物与牛血清蛋白相互作用研究[J]. 林业工程学报,2017,2(5):46-50. DOI: 10.13360/j.issn.2096-1359.2017.05.009Zhang LL, Xu M, Hu XY, et al. Study on binding of EGCG-Cu complex to bovine serum albumin[J]. J For Eng, 2017, 2(5): 46-50. DOI: 10.13360/j.issn.2096-...
Additionally, the binding constant between EGCG and BSA increased significantly after EGCG was mod-ified by Cu(Ⅱ) to form EGCG-Cu(Ⅱ) complex. Our results suggest that after chelating with copper, the interaction mode of EGCG with BSA is altered and this could have various implications on...
血红素-牛血清白蛋白-EGCG复合物的形成及其对生物活性分子的影响.docx,PAGE I PAGE I 血红素-牛血清白蛋白-EGCG复合物的形成及其对生物活性分子的影响 外文题目 Formation of heme-bovine serum albumin-epigallocatechin gallate complex and its effect on bioactive mole
[38] Teng Y, Zhao J, Ding L, et al. Complex of EGCG with Cu(II) Suppresses Amyloid Aggregation and Cu(II)-Induced Cytotoxicity of α-Synuclein. Molecules. 2019;24(16):2940. [39] Gyanendra Singh, Riddhi Thaker, Anupama Sharma, et al. Therapeutic effects of biochanin a, phloretin, an...
Impacts of ultrasound pretreatment on the formation of soy protein fibrils, interaction of soy protein fibrils and EGCG, rheological property and antioxidant activity of the complex, and bioaccessibility of EGCG were investigated in this study. Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, fluorescence ...
Cu(上標 2表沒食子兒茶素沒食子酸酯絡合反應 copper (Ⅱ) ionEpigallocatechin gallatecomplexCopper ions easily complex with ligand and act as the central ion. EGCG ((-)Epigallocatechin gallate), one of the catechins in tea, is the most active natural polyphenol in the products and, being a ...
wound repairSkin injury is a common health problem worldwide, and the highly complex healing process poses critical challenges for its management. Therefore, wound dressings with salutary effects are urgently needed for wound care. However, traditional wound dressing with a single function...
Furthermore, by introducing Fe3+ to Ni2+-EGCG network, the complex exhibits the best bactericidal property for gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PAO1), which can be explained by the rapid H2O2 decomposition and associated production of hydroxyl radicals...