事件网格(EventGrid,简称EG)是华为云提供的一款Serverless事件总线服务,支持华为云服务、自定义应用、SaaS应用以标准化、中心化的方式接入,通过标准化的CloudEvents协议在这些应用之间以灵活方式路由事件,帮助您轻松构建松耦合、分布式的事件驱动架构。 立即使用帮助文档 ...
egjs-infinitegrid / CONTRIBUTING.md Latest commit daybrush chore(release): Release 4.1.0 Oct 6, 2021 57dc167·Oct 6, 2021 History History egjs-infinitegrid is opened to everyone and we're welcoming for any kind of contribution. We believe that our project can grow with your interests help...
InfiniteGrid 4 Release!! ⚙️ Installation npm $ npm install --save @egjs/infinitegrid CDN jsDelivr:https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@egjs/infinitegrid/dist/ unpkg:https://unpkg.com/@egjs/infinitegrid/dist/ cdnjs:https://cdnjs.com/libraries/egjs-infinitegrid ...
Ez a cikk azt ismerteti, hogyan alakíthatja át az egyéni sémát Azure Event Grid sémává, ha az eseményadatok nem egyeznek az Event Grid-sémával.
The EGWMT model performance. Full size image The average values of vertical [Math Processing Error]Tm lapse rates are calculated at all grid points in the region of Egypt, as shown in Fig. 4. It is shown that the average value of [Math Processing Error]Tm lapse rate is 6.05 K/Km. th...
Ebben az oktatóanyagban az Azure Event Grid és az Azure Portal használatával tesz közzé egy egyéni témakört, és feliratkozik az adott témakör eseményeire.
The European Grid of Solar Observations (EGSO) is a Grid testbed funded by the European Commission under the Information Society Technologies (IST) thematic priority of the Fifth Framework Programme (FP5). EGSO will provide the tools and infrastructure needed to create a data grid that will for...
A Vue component that can arrange items according to the type of grids. Latest version: 1.16.0, last published: 7 months ago. Start using @egjs/vue-grid in your project by running `npm i @egjs/vue-grid`. There are no other projects in the npm registry usi
可以。您可以将自定义事件以CloudEvents V1.0的格式要求进行封装,并通过API将其发送到EventGrid。请参考自定义事件发送流程,将自定义事件推送到EventGrid。