摘要: 韩国教育部2015 年发布《2015 年修订版教育课程标准》,其中对小学英语朗读成就标准进行了适当修订.修订后的小学英语成就标准总项数减少,在表述上更加精炼科学,而在学习难度上则有所加大.另外,通过比照国际英语能力分级标准,总体认为新课标英语成就标准在学习内容设置上是合理的. 展开 关键词: 韩国 2015年修订版...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To improve the handleability of turning hot water to a high temperature and supplying it in a short time when it is a small amount even when the large amount of water or the hot water during heat insulation close to a rated capacity is put inside a container.收藏...