一般情况下,公司可以使用EFTPS支付所有的联邦税—— ·预估税(Estimated Taxes)。当预计公司年底的所得税会超过1000美元,或是觉得预提税Withholding Tax和抵免额会低于当年税款的90%/上年度100%的税款,就需要按时支付预估税。 ·薪资税(Payroll Taxes)。有雇员的公司,需要从雇员的工资中,按照一定比例扣除社会保障、...
但也正因无需注册,所以IRS Direct Pay目前仅适用于支付简单的个人所得税款,公司无法使用此支付系统。 02 如何注册EFTPS? 注册EFTPS不难,但还是建议有需要的公司提前做好规划,因为处理注册可能就需要5个工作日左右。 如果是C公司注册EFTPS,需要准备好下列文件,进入www.eftps.gov即可完成注册: 公司的雇主识别号EIN ...
Estimated taxes: The business owner/ individual must pay the estimated taxes he has estimated to the IRS every quarter that he owes to the government. If the estimated value is 1000 dollars or if the individual realizes that his withholding and refundable credits would be less than 90 per cent...
Tax Payment System (EFTPS). Ron says he knows that theElectronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)is a federal government instituted online and telephonic payment system for tax payment, and that it was started in 1996. He also knows the system can be used to pay estimated advance taxes ...
Making tax payments with EFTPS Remitting your tax payments using EFTPS is a breeze. To do so, log into your EFTPS account and select “Make a Payment.” The website gives step-by-step instructions to complete the payment process. After you make your payment, you receive a confirmation numbe...