using our set of operators (which are not the same as in ref. [113]). Before going into the EFT description of the 2HDM scenario, we have provided a brief discussion on the spectrum computation of this model following the path paved in [113]. The renormalizable Lagrangian. Based on ...
This is a non-trivial task, given that the cross section depends on PDFs, and the measurements from which PDFs are extracted can be affected by the effective operators considered in this work. See e.g. ref. [65] for a possible approach to disentangling new physics from the PDF fits. ...
task :switch_theme, :theme do |t, args| theme_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "_includes", "themes", args.theme) layouts_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "_layouts") abort("rake aborted: './_includes/themes/#{args.theme}' directory not found.") unless Dir...
Neutron and nuclear β decays: We closely follow the analysis of ref. [51] and take into account the neutron lifetime, 0+ → 0+ transitions, and mirror decays. Within the SM, these measurements determine Vud, which, when combined with the extraction of Vus discussed below, currently ...
The one-loop renormalisation of GF in SMEFT has very recently been calculated in Ref. [63]. The Wilson coefficients of the effective theory are not observable quantities, and the MS renormalisation scheme is adopted. The SM masses and the electroweak coupling, on the other hand, can be ...
(2.1) In the first line we have pulled out a function of q2 from the form factors so as to match the standard notation of ref. [38].1 The form factor f4Z(q2) corresponds to a C-odd and P -even (thus CP -odd) interaction. One way to see this is to note that an effective ...
Let us then turn to accomplish this ambitious task. First, for G to satisfy: {Gi, Pj} = δijH, (5.7) it should have the following form: G = h1x1 + h2x2 + Y , h1 + h2 = H, (5.8) where hI and Y are translation-invariant, namely: {hI , Pi} = {Yi, Pj} = 0, (5.9...