修改ui为中文 雷达内物资也已汉化 Chinese UI version. Contribute to Snip1-99/EFT_DMA_Radar development by creating an account on GitHub.
用法1.下载压缩文件 2.确保所有必要的依赖关系到位 3.使用VS2022编译项目 4.保证偏移量为最新的 4.编译运行应用程序 ##鸣谢 这个项目是基与xxOm git:https://github.com/xx0m/EFT-DMA-Radar-v2汉化翻译而来 Preview ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Packages No packages published Languages C#87.1% C12.9%...
Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options main 1Branch0Tags Code This branch is31 commits behindxx0m/EFT-DMA-Radar-v2:main. Releases No releases published Packages No packages published Languages C#100.0%
swRadarEnemyStats.Checked = _config.EnemyStats; mcRadarEnemyStats.Visible = _config.EnemyStats; // User Interface swShowLoot.Enabled = _config.ProcessLoot; swShowLoot.Checked = _config.ShowLoot; swQuestHelper.Checked = _config.QuestHelperEnabled; swAimview.Checked = _config.AimviewEnabled; @@ ...
Radarradar2D radar. SkillsskillsAll skills to Elite level (51) and all weapons mastering to level 3. SpeedspeedSpeed boost to be able to go through walls/objects, or to move faster. Be careful to not kill yourself. StaminastaminaUnlimited stamina. ...
 About EscapefromTarkov hacks hack cheat cheats aimbot ESP wallhack no-recoil no-spread triggerbot radar-hack silent-aim infinite-ammo speed-hack god-mode instant-respawn rapi...
EscapefromTarkov hacks hack cheat cheats aimbot ESP wallhack no-recoil no-spread triggerbot radar-hack silent-aim infinite-ammo speed-hack god-mode instant-respawn rapid-fire infinite-abilities cooldown-hack anti-flash anti-smoke player-ESP EFT Topics eft escape-from-tarkov eft-hack-tool eft-...
修改ui为中文 雷达内物资也已汉化 Chinese UI version. Contribute to Snip1-99/EFT_DMA_Radar development by creating an account on GitHub.
radar on or off off Show/Hide radar save Save settings to trainer.ini savetl [filename] Save current tracklist to file spawn [name] Spawn object in front of player spawnbot [name] or * Spawn a bot, ex spawnbot bossKilla spawnhi Spawn required hideout items spawnqi Spawn items-to-find...