EFSET是EF Education First开发的标准化英语能力测试,评估听力、阅读、写作和口语四个技能,可用于学术或职业目的。 EFSET的定义与概述 EFSET,全称为EF Standard English Test,是由EF Education First(简称EF)开发的标准化英语能力测试系统。作为一个全球知名的教育品牌,EF一直致力于提供高质量的语...
Test your English with the EF Standard English Test (EF SET), the first free, online standardized English test built to rigorous academic requirements, and as reliable as fee-based exams.
efset测试一般人是多少分EFSET测试的成绩因人而异,没有固定的“一般人”得分。成绩取决于考生的英语水平、测试当天的表现等多种因素。 EFSET测试简介 EFSET,全称为EF Standard English Test,是由EF Education First(简称EF)开发的标准化英语能力测试系统。作为一个全球知名的...
如果想要知道自己的英文能力在什麼水平,但是又嫌報名參加考試太麻煩而且還要付錢,那就試試看EFSET英文測驗 [https://englishlive.ef.com/zh-tw/lp/ot/efset-test/],也許是個不錯的選擇。 EFSET是EF組建了美國頂尖語言專家團隊設計開發的,目的是為了讓大家可以隨時隨地
Let's talk about EFSET, the English proficiency test. It's a great way to measure your English skills, whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner. The EFSET is really user-friendly. You can take it online anytime, anywhere. Just a few clicks and you're in! The questions ...
It offers a comprehensive evaluation of an individual's proficiency level, ranging from beginner to advanced, through different test sections. The main purpose of the EFSET test is to provide an accurate assessment of a test taker's English language abilities, which can be utilized for academic ...
EFSET是一个在线英语测试平台,其证书获得了霍特国际商学院的认可。英孚研究网站登出的《EF Standard English Test 背景技术报告白皮书》里表明,英孚该项研究是结合测试使用论证(Assessment Use Argument,AUA)和 Design 7 Statement 两个理论的框架开发。白皮书上有具体且详细的开发流程与数据分析说明 EF...
Just did a 15 minute self-test in English on their website, and while not being a native English speaker, I got a suspiciously low score for having used English for both written and verbal communication throghout my entire professional and most of my personal life. Receiving my score along...
b5fm_E1ZQVz76opouPcG22tVhECC7NW3z3RKeBEATKn8tlYN0-7JOj1j-hoxC 381108770@qq.com, 分享2赞 石家庄英孚英语吧 MKT_harry 第六版英孚英语熟练度指标“检验”英语教育成效北京,2016年11月15日 - 根据今日发布的2016英孚英语熟练度指标(EF English Proficiency Index, 简称EF EPI),荷兰成年人英语水平跃居为...
A company has just launched what it calls “the world’s first free standardized English test” recently. Anyone can take the test for free. The new exam is called the EFSET, which is short for Education First Standardized English Test. The company, Education First, is known by the letters...