商城地址 地域信息:美国 支付方式:国内信用卡 配送方式:支持转运 最新推荐 优惠码 购物指南 Effy是北美的著名珠宝品牌,最早起源于地中海,由著名设计师Effy Hematian在1979年创建。现在,珠宝店已从热带的地中海岛屿扩大到宁静的阿拉斯加海岸,成为规模成长和发展速度都十分惊人的珠宝零售商。Effy在美...
🌍 大部分中国消费者对Cartier、Tiffany、Van Cleef & Arpels等一线珠宝品牌耳熟能详,但很少有人知道EFFY Jewelry这个在北美屡获设计大奖的珠宝品牌。🏆 EFFY Jewelry,源自地中海的珠宝设计巨匠,自1979年进入美国市场以来,凭借其独特的设计和卓越的品质,已经在全球珠宝零售商中赢得了广泛认可。🌟 EFFY的设计作品在...
$6540.00 Effy Fine Jewelry 14K 1.69 ct. tw. Lab-Grown Diamond Ring Rue La La $2640.00 Effy Silver 0.30 ct. tw. Diamond Necklace Rue La La Moments More 奢养自己|近期购物小记|买不破产就买 DianeXu92 16 1 夏日花式度假⛱️|每次穿reformation都觉得自己像小仙女🧚♀️|孕妇装|长...
商城地址 地域信息:美国 支付方式:国内信用卡 配送方式:支持转运 商城介绍 Effy是北美的著名珠宝品牌,最早起源于地中海,由著名设计师Effy Hematian在1979年创建。现在,珠宝店已从热带的地中海岛屿扩大到宁静的阿拉斯加海岸,成为规模成长和发展速度都十分惊人的珠宝零售商。Effy在美国、加拿大拥有1500...
Effy Jewelry is expanding its presence with its first flagship in New York City. The fine jewelry brand, which launched 45 years ago by its late founder Effy Hematian, is opening its flagship on Monday on Fifth Avenue across from Saks Fifth Avenue. This is the brand’s first store in mai...
I got so many compliments on this ring and I have many jewelry. The rose gold is beautiful and the diamonds are very sparkly and shiny and it’s a statement piece. I love this ring so much. JanB2 years ago On average, customers ra...
Saks OFF 5TH 现有 Effy 精美珠宝特卖,低至2折+额外8折(购物车内显示折扣价)。 新用户福利:新注册会员购物享额外9折及多重会员福利。查看详情>> 订单满$89美国境内免运费 点击购买>> Theory 低至4折 💃 都市丽人的首选! 吊带连衣裙$169 Saks OFF 5TH ...
My jewelry arrived exactly when she said it should. My ruby ring is every bit as beautiful as I expected it to be and I can’t wait to wear it and show it off.See more RC Raul Castroman 6 days ago Fantastic experience and the quality of the product is second to none!Effy is the...
//@EffyJewelry:转发微博 @EffyJewelry #上新# 💰133S990 手链准备了五款 合并发在一起吧材质:S990足银 含银量99%闪钻:立方二氧化锆...展开全文c 5 5 ñ赞 2019-7-13 23:17 来自iPhone客户端 û收藏 3 评论 ñ8 c +关注 EffyJewelry 2019-7-15 14:13 来自iPhone客户端 /...
Effy Fine Jewelry 项链 $637.49$2880.00 Effy 戒指 $960.49$4290.00 Effy 珍珠镶钻耳饰 $807.49$3540.00 Effy Fine Jewelry 镶钻项链 $934.99$4020.00 Effy 14K玫瑰金镶钻戒指 $798.99$3570.00 Effy 戒指 $849.99$3780.00 Effy 耳饰 $1402.49$4748.00 Effy 戒指 ...