Luthra, Chander Shekhar
5. Years of concerted efforts in crime fighting have borne fruit.经过大家多年来的共同努力,我们在灭罪方面已取得丰硕的成果.
Most efforts to combat such mosquito-borne diseases like malaria and dengue have focused either on the vaccination of humans or on exterminating mosquitoes with pesticides. 选项: A、like malaria and dengue have focused either on the vaccination of humans or on exterminating B、like malaria and deng...
Despite the no-agreement summit in Hanoi, Pyongyang and Washington confirmed different views on major issues and what each other demanded, said Kim who noted that the confirmation was a fruit borne in the Hanoi summit. Kim said Seoul has been making efforts to take a dialogue opportunity with ...
电梯停了,因此即使你幸而没有被困在两个楼层的中间,你也得去完成一项不愉快的任务:即摸黑往下走几百级楼梯。 That, at least, is the hope. But a comparative study of linguistic traits published online today supplies a reality check. Russell Gray at the University of Auckland and ...
These "tax deferral loans" could be securitized and refinanced by the central bank, with any losses to be borne by governments. Finally he said, these principles must "go global", building on central bank dollar swap lines to channel liquidity toward preventing global...
The control of vector-borne diseases such as malaria represents one of the global public health challenges of the twenty-first century. Successes of malaria prevention methods have been documented in several studies; however, there remains a gap in most settings in the use of these prevention meth...