from importMixupfrom timm.loss import SoftTargetCrossEntropy from models.vmamba_efficient import EfficientMamba_T from torch.autograd import Variable from torchvision import datasets torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") os.environ['CUDA...
使用EfficientVMamba实现图像分类任务 transformer做图像分类,号外号外:awesome-vit上新啦,欢迎大家StarStarStar~必读系列之图像分类综述(一):概述VisionTransformer必读
git clone cd EfficientVMamba step2:Environment Setup: The install VMamba recommends setting up a conda environment and installing dependencies via pip. Use the following commands to set up your environment:...
To get started, first clone the VMamba repository and navigate to the project directory:git clone cd EfficientVMamba step2:Environment Setup: The install VMamba recommends setting up a conda environment and installing dependencies via pip. Use the ...
Recognizing the significance of prioritizing model efficiency and resource usage in knowledge tracing, we introduce Mamba4KT. This novel model is the first to explore enhanced efficiency and resource utilization in knowledge tracing. We also examine the interpretability of the Mamba structure both ...
To address these challenges, we propose NetMamba, an efficient linear-time state space model equipped with a comprehensive traffic representation scheme. We adopt a specially selected and improved unidirectional Mamba architecture for the networking field, instead of the Transformer, to address efficiency...
本文使用EcientVMamba模型实现图像分类任务,模型选择最小的EcientVMamba_T,在植物幼苗分类任务ACC达到了93%+,达到了ViM的水平。。 通过这篇文章能让你学到: 如何使用数据增强,包括transforms的增强、CutOut、MixUp、CutMix等增强手段? 如何实现EfficientVMamba模型实现训练?