1.提出了Restormer,是一种Encoder-Decoder的Transformer模型,能学习High-Resolution图像的Multi-Scale特征(体现在能处理各种各样尺度)与Local-Global特征(体现在MDTA中先使用了Dconv学习Local特征,再使用了Attention学习全局特征)。同时没有使用Windows Attention,没有使用切成patches,所以可以获取图像的遥远的上下文信息(expl...
本论文为谷歌近期发表的对Transformer改进的一篇论文,论文名字中的Efficient Transformer解释了论文的主要目的。过去一些基于Transformer结构的论文,一看到模型的总参数量就让人望而生畏,有些模型在我们的单卡GPU上根本跑不起来,因此就看了一下这篇论文。论文感觉比较偏工程,了解下它的大致思想就好。 参考:arxiv.org/pdf...
为了填补这一空白,我们引入了一个可扩展的推理解决方案:Easy and Efficient Transformer (EET),包括算法和实现层面的一系列 Transformer 推理优化。 首先,我们为长输入和大隐藏尺寸设计了高度优化的内核。 其次,我们提出了一个灵活的 CUDA 内存管理器,以减少部署大型模型时的内存占用。与最先进的 Transformer 推理库(F...
Robert L Steigerwald
原始题目:Informer: Beyond Efficient Transformer for Long Sequence Time-Series Forecasting 中文翻译:Informer:超越有效变换器进行长序列时间序列预测 发表时间:2021-05-18 平台:Proceedings
To address this problem, we propose a novel Efficient Super-Resolution Transformer (ESRT) for fast and accurate image super-resolution. ESRT is a hybrid Transformer where a CNN-based SR network is first designed in the front to extract deep features. Specifically, there are two backbones for...
ResT通过一个stem 模块提取低级特征,四个stage阶段捕获多尺度特征图,每个stage又包含三个部分,分别是patch embedding模块用于减小特征图的尺寸和增加通道数,PE(positional embedding)模块用于引入位置信息,和L个Efficient Transformer Block。 2.1 Rethinking of Transformer Block ...
Large Transformer models routinely achieve state-of-the-art results on a number of tasks but training these models can be prohibitively costly, especially on long sequences. We introduce two techniques to improve the efficiency of Transformers. For one, we replace dot-product attention by one that...
Transparent objects, such as glass walls and doors, constitute architectural obstacles hindering the mobility of people with low vision or blindness. For instance, the open space behind glass doors is inaccessible, unless it is correctly perceived and interacted with. However, traditional assistive tech...