Recycled household ceramic waste in eco-efficient cement: A case studydoi:10.1016/b978-0-12-819055-5.00017-6Yining Ding aHuiwen Dong aMingli Cao aF. Pacheco-Torgal bCecilia Azevedo cAdvances in Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling
We are focused on finding ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, strive for zero waste, use resources responsibly and create circular economy solutions that reduce costs and environmental impact.
Through these innovative features, the Hitachi residential AC range aims to provide energy-efficient solutions that help reduce the household’s environmental impact while saving on energy costs. Commercial air conditioning Residential air conditioning Tips & Tricks Maintenance by Hitachi Cooling & Heating...
The rise in the world's population has led to an amplified need for fundamental requirements such as healthcare, shelter, and water. At the same time,
Efficient energy use, sometimes simply called energy efficiency, is the goal of efforts to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services. For example, insulating a home allows a building to use less heating and cooling energy to achieve and maintain a comfortable temperature...
Natural gas costs residents a pretty penny, too, and the average bill for U.S. households was $61.69 per month in 2021, according to Though this one is a little harder to cut back on without upgrading to electric appliances and systems, there are ways to reduce your gas use...
A closer look at the demand-side drivers of the cement and concrete cycle shows that the main driving force is currently household consumption, given its high dependence on fixed capital (Fig.2). Specifically, ~80% of cement flows are driven by household consumption, with government expenditure...
Do you or others in your household forget to turn off the space heater when you leave home? Do you wake up with the bedroom too warm due to the heater? Those situations waste energy and raise energy costs. A timer is the solution. Timers are available in 1-8, 1-10 and 1-12 hours...
Here’s a somewhat unconventional list of home energy saving ideas: seven ways to think differently about saving energy in your home. Each is covered in more detail below. Understand the methodology: measure your usage, break it down, cut the waste, repeat!
High-efficiency lighting systems: There are two main ways to reduce the energy consumption for lighting, one is making full use of natural light; the other is adoption of green lighting products and intelligent control systems. Daylighting has both passive and active methods. Passive methods of ...