In this work we scrutinize a low level computer vision task - non-maximum suppression (NMS) - which is a crucial preprocessing step in many computer vision applications. Especially in real time scenarios, efficient algorithms for such preprocessing algorithms, which operate on the full image resolut...
NMS(non maximum suppression),中文名非极大值抑制,在很多计算机视觉任务中都有广泛应用,如:边缘检测、目标检测等。 nms2018-04-09 上传大小:91KB 所需:21积分/C币 fast-rcnn在python3.7 ubuntu16 cuda10.1环境下可以使用的cython_mask.so文件 ...
"Work-Efficient Parallel Non-Maximum Suppression Kernels" Computer Journal David Oro, Carles Fernández, Xavier Martorell, Javier Hernando === * Requirements: 1. GCC Compiler v5.0 or greater 2. CUDA Toolkit v6.0 or greater 3. NVIDIA GPU with Comput...