I read an interesting article on progress in making transmission lines more efficient: https://reneweconomy.com.au/super-cheap-transmission-upgrades-could-double-capacity-and-open-floodgates-for-renewables/ While, of course, we do not discuss politics here, this new technology has many... bhobba...
If the argument is more SFH should be opened to more HOUSING density that is one argument, and then the question is whether you want to disperse that new housing to residential zones, or like the PSRC argues condense it in multi-family housing near transit (although admittedly most people do...
Natural gas transmission typically contains small amounts of sulphur compounds that can deposit onto the pipe inner wall, flow restrictors, compressor inlets, filter housing outlets and valves [32]. Reaction with hydrogen to form hydrogen sulphide is known to accelerate hydrogen embrittlement [33], ...
Exosome isolation was performed by direct flow nanofiltration using the as-prepared asymmetric nanopore membranes. The membrane was sealed in a home-made plastic membrane holder. The plastic housing was secured with metal screws and nuts, and a plastic ring-shaped gasket provided a leak-free seal....
expected to drive the uptake of heat pumps, insulation materials and small-scale renewables. Belgium, France and the U.K. pressed forward on building energy efficiency retrofits, with the U.K. government committing 9.2 billion pounds, expected to be targeted on social housing and public buildings...