Water hyacinth invasion has been highlighted to be a source of problem to riparian communities. They are known to reduce the velocity of water bodies, thereby serving as suitable breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Their obstruction to water transportation also means students who cross invaded water ...
Purification Effects of Large-Area Planting Water Hyacinth on Water Environment of Zhushan Bay, Lake Taihu大水面放养水葫芦对太湖竺山湖水环境净化效果的影响水葫芦放养水环境氮磷营养盐吸附净化效果Using water hyacinth and other fast-growing and high biomass of floating plants to purify polluted water ...
Water hyacinthcompostmaizegrowth parametersyieldAims: To evaluate the effects of water hyacinth compost prepared with various cultures on growth and yield parameters of maize.Study Design: Randomized Complete Block Design.Place and Duration of Study: Field experiments were carried out at Otonglo Division...
Modelling of environmental phytoremediation in eutrophic river — the case of water hyacinth harvest in Tha-chin River, Thailand This study indicates the potential utility of water hyacinth for nutrient removal and biomass production, based on the continuous harvest at the maximum su......
The restoration of lake ecosystems requires a good knowledge of the lake’s history and the driving mechanism of environmental changes. In this study, we used Lake Datong, the largest inland lake in Hunan Province China, as an example to study the effect
Phosphorus release potential and pollution characteristics of sediment in downstream Nansi Lake China 热度: 水葫芦对水体中氮磷的清除作用 热度: 光照与氮磷营养盐的协同作用对海带幼苗释放可溶性有机碳的影响 热度: 相关推荐 第6卷 第12期 2012年12月 环境工程学报 ChineseJournalofEnvironmenta1Engineerin...
1.Research on Water Environment Effects of Soil and Water Conservation;水土保持的水环境效应研究 2.The concept ofwater environment effectsof soil and water conservation was put forward by the paper and the types of nonpoint s.笔者界定了水土保持水环境效应的概念;将非点源污染的类型划分为农业型、水土...
Home > Section > Chapter Vega, A.; Ewel, K.C. Environmental Management 5(6): 537-541 1981 ISSN/ISBN:0364-152X 10.1007/bf01866727 001032684 Article emailed within 0-6 h Buy Now for$19.90 Payments are secure & encrypted Abstract
Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies by directly or indirectly discharging chemicals, pollutants and wastes without adequate treatment.
1988. Effects of surface-active agents on the salinity tolerance of water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes). Environmental Science and Health A23: 603-611.Muramoto S, Oki Y (1988) Effects of surface active agents on the salinity tolerance of water hyacinth ( Eichhornia crassipes ). J Environ Sci...