Water fasting was defined as abstinence from all food and drink except water for a specific length of time. Transpersonal scholars have suggested that fasting can be a means of personal transformation, providing exceptional human experiences, and leading to peak experiences and self-actualization. The...
Effects of Water Temperature and Photoperiod on the Spawning Cycle of the Sand Borer, Sillago sihama Overgrowing of filamentous micro-organisms in activated sludge is affected by the following factors: (a) composition of treated waste water; (b) actual concentration of dissolved oxygen in an aerat...
Intermittent fasting (IF) has been connected with health benefits such as weight loss, lower risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) and diabetes, increased longevity, and improved quality of life. However, the mechanisms of these IF benefits in humans require further investigation. This study sought...
Effects of Fasting and Refeeding. I. Studies on Sodium, Potassium and Water Excretion on a Constant Electrolyte and Fluid Intake Seventeen subjects were maintained on a constant electrolyte and fluid intake during periods of equilibration, starvation and refeeding. During 3 days of f... E Veverbr...
Fasting blood sampling was collected at the pretest and post-test. The Zingiber officinale supplementation and or the water-base exercise resulted in a reduction of hs-CRP, IL-6 and TG, as compared to pretest. However, the combined intervention (water-base exercise and Zingiber officinale) ...
In the present study, the amount of exercise (approximately 11 miles [17.6 km]/wk) that resulted in modest weight loss required considerably less than the 77 to 80 min/d (approximately 560 min/wk) of moderate-intensity exercise that was estimated by studies using doubly labeled water ...
Sinking rates of Hydra oligactis Pallas reared at lo", 15", and 25°C were determined in a water column at lo", 21", and 26°C after fasting intervals ranging from 24 to ~500 h. The rearing temperature (T,.), water temperature during sinking (T,), duration of fasting (I?,), ...
Accordingly, in our study, we chose to examine a dietary restriction model (specifically, a form of intermittent fasting/every other day feeding) that has been previously linked to lifespan extension in mice10,63. Finally, we integrated our aging trajectory dataset with the analyses of PAAIs ...
Non-fasting animals with a blood glucose level higher than 250 mg/dl were considered diabetic and were continued to use for induction of ischemia followed by the wound healing experiments. During the experiment, blood glucose was measured every second day for each animal. Furthermore a subgroup ...
To assess the therapeutic effect of weekend fasting and administration of a modified Lingguizhugan decoction on metabolic syndrome (MetS). Twenty-one patients with MetS were recruited from the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University. Fasting plasma glucose (FPG), 30-min and 2-h post...