Purpose Background: Tobacco smoking during pregnancy is the first preventable cause of adverse birth outcomes such as vascular and neurodevelopment disturbation. Aims: To asses how smoking during pregnancy would affect retinal vascularization causing retinopathy of prematurity. Design: An observational cross...
cells of neonates. Effects of tobacco smoking during pregnancy on oxidative stress in the umbilical cord and mononuclear blood cells of neonates.Effects of tobacco smoking during pregnancy on oxidative stress in the umbilical cord and mononuclear blood cells of neonates.doi:10.1186/s12929-014-0105-z...
How Does Secondhand Smoke Affect Pregnancy? Secondhand smoke(also called passive smoke or environmentaltobaccosmoke) is the combination of smoke from a burning cigarette and smoke exhaled by a smoker. The smoke that burns off the end of a cigarette orcigaractually contains more harmful substances (...
Ectopic pregnancy. Preterm premature rupture of membranes (PROM). Miscarriage. Tobacco smoke can keep your developing baby from getting enough oxygen. Stillbirth. Smoking more than doubles the risk of stillbirth. Smoking also hurts your chances of getting pregnant. Because of its effects on estrogen...
Females who use drugs, such asalcoholand tobacco, whilepregnantare at an increased risk for complications during pregnancy and afterchildbirth. These complications may include premature labor,miscarriage,or developmental disorders.1The greater that the doses and frequency of drug use are, the greater ...
It is therefore essential that all health care workers and mothers are fully aware of these adverse effects. Nicotine, the dominant alkaloid in tobacco smoke, easily crosses the placenta, leading to fetal plasma concentrations on average 15% higher than those of the mother.1 Nicotine also ...
Several studies have shown an effect of TSPs exposure during pregnancy upon lung function in the newborn infant and of SHS on symptoms and lung function after birth. From 1997 to 1999 a set of systematic reviews concerning the relationship between second-hand exposure to tobacco smoke and ...
The Effects of Smoking on Periodontal Therapy: An Evidence-Based Comprehensive Literature ReviewSmokingPeriodontitisPeriodontal DiseaseTobaccoCigarette SmokingThe positive relationship between smoking and major general health diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease and negative pregnancy ...
There is extensive epidemiologic and experimental evidence from both animal and human studies that demonstrates detrimental long-term pulmonary outcomes in the offspring of mothers who smoke during pregnancy. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these associations are not understood. Therefore, it is...
The traditional tobacco smoking known as sheesha, hubble-bubble, or hoaka is a process by which a tobacco-fruit mixture is drawn through a long tube, then passed through a water trap, before its inhalation by the smoker. Recently sheesha has gained substantial popularity among pregnant woman as...