The bubonic plague was endemic to fleas that live on marmots in the steppes of eastern central Asia, and the Mongol hordes inadvertently brought those fleas across the continent, unleashing the plague on Europe. Between 1300 and 1400, the Black Death killed between 25 and 66% of the ...
The false color code depicted at the bottom of each image ranges from 0.000 (black) to 1.000 (pink). 2.3. Effect of AMF Inoculation on the Cd2+ Distribution and Content of M. truncatula The content of Cd2+ in different parts of M. truncatula is shown in Table 2. Under Cd2+-only ...
Learn about the effects of the Crusades related to increased commerce, the spread of ideas to Europe, political change, and religious reform in...
The investigation we did is extremely vital given the lack of information on the decline of insect in South America. Most data on the decline of insects comes from the Northern Hemisphere79, mostly from countries from Europe and North America, since those regions have the most comprehensive histo...
Over the past decade, abnormalities have been documented in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in west-central Montana. Hypotheses proposed to explain these anomalies included contact with endocrine disrupting pesticides, such as imidacloprid. We evaluated the effects of imidacloprid experimentally ...
Like the social structures of the period, property structures were able to recover quickly, informed as they were by the lessons learnt by trial and error by the patrician families of the late Middle Ages, whose patrimonies had been badly damaged by the Black Death. In a period of recurrent...
The winter of the southern steppes, longer and colder than that of Central Europe, differs little from the winter of central and northern Russia south of the Arctic Circle. In the Black Sea region, where two thirds of the annual precipitation occurs between September and March, the climate is...
These have been found to give reasonable results for, e.g., the spread of the Black Death in Europe or of Rabies in England88. Radial spreading is even observed in modern traffic networks on global scales, provided these are described in terms of effective distance89 (see the first part ...
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) can result in lifelong disabilities known as foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) and is associated with childhood growth deficiencies and increased bone fracture risk. However, the effects of PAE on the adult skeleton
The Parties to the Montreal Protocol are informed by three Panels of experts. One of these is the Environmental Effects Assessment Panel (EEAP), which deal