Behaviour and effects of sulphur dioxide pollution in the atmosphereW.J. Clough
【题目】Reducing the Effects of Climate ChangeMark Rowe reports on the increasingly ambitious geo-engineering projects being explored by scientistsASuch is our dependence on fossil fuels, and such is the volume of carbon dioxidealready released into the atmosphere, that many experts agree that ...
Such is our dependence onfossilfuels, and such is the volume ofcarbondioxidealready released into the atmosphere, that many experts agree that significant global warming is nowinevitable.They believe that the best we can do is keep it at a reasonable level, and at present the only serious opti...
One of the many effects of global warming is that it has led to an increase in the planet’s temperatures. The leading cause of global warming is the release of harmful and toxic gases into the atmosphere. Some of the harmful gases include carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide. These twogases...
DThe concept of releasing aerosol sprays into the stratosphere above the Arctic has been proposed by several scientists.This would involve using sulphur or hydrogen sulphide aerosols so that sulphur dioxide would form clouds, which would, in turn, lead to a global dimming.The idea is modelled on...
ofglobalwarmingisthatithasledtoan increaseintheplanet’stemperatures. Theleadingcauseofglobalwarmingisthe releaseofharmfulandtoxicgasesintothe atmosphere.Someoftheharmfulgasesinclude carbondioxideandsulphurdioxide.Thesetwo gasesarethemainonesbecauseoftheburning ...
Taking account of such interactions is necessary in assessing the relative contributions of the component factors in a given case. In addition, impacts may be displaced from the region of origin, or may involve degradation of a global commons (such as the atmosphere as a sink for greenhouse ...
Sulfur dioxide, often used as a marker of volcanic activity in Earth’s atmosphere, has been observed since late 1970s to exhibit variability at the Venus’ cloud tops at time scales from hours to decades; however, this variability may be associated with solely atmospheric processes. Water ...
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The concept of releasing aerosol sprays into the stratosphere above the Arctic has been proposed by several scientists. This would involve using sulphur or hydrogen sulphide aerosols so that sulphur dioxide would formclouds, which would, in turn, lead to a global dimming. The idea is modelled on...