Meng Z Q,Liu Y X.Effects of sulfur dioxide inhalation on ultrastructures of brains,hearts,kidneys and testis from mlee. Acta Scientiae Cireumstantiae . 2006Meng Z Q;Liu X Y.Effects of sulfur dioxide inhalation on ultrastructures of brains,hearts,kidneys and testicles from mice.Acta Sci ...
Abdolhamed D.B.Effects of sulfur dioxide on postharvest quality and quantity of t able grapes cvs."Keshmdsh,seedless" and "Shahrondy" in cold storage. Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natured Resources . 1999Abdolhamed Dowlati Baneh,Mesbah Babalar,Mahmood Okhovat.Effects of...
6) health effects of fluorine pollution 氟污染对健康的影响补充资料:二氧化硫污染对健康的影响 二氧化硫 (SO2)是一种常见的和危害较大的大气污染物。在五种主要大气污染物(一氧化碳、二氧化硫、碳氢化物、飘尘、氮氧化物)中,它的含量约占15%。二氧化硫形成对人类健康有害的硫酸雾有两种过程:一是二氧化硫遇水...
Mannix RC, Phalen RF, Walters RB, Kurosaki TT. Effects of sulfur dioxide and formaldehyde on particle clearance in the rat. J Toxicol Environ Health. 1983 Aug-Sep; 12 (2-3):429–440.Effects of sulfur dioxide and formaldehyde on particle clearance in the rat - Mannix, Phalen, et al. -...
Chemicaleffectsofsulfurdioxideco-injectionwithcarbondioxidenthereservoirandcaprockmineralogyandpermeabilityindepletedas,eldsantehaBolourinejad⇑,RienHerber UniversityofGroningen,DepartmentofGeo-Energy,Energy&SustainabilityResearchInstituteGroningen(ESRIG),Nijenborgh4,9747AGGroningen,TheNetherlands articleinfo abstract Ar...
Effects of sulfur dioxide on growth and net photosynthesis of six Japanese forest tree species grown under different nitrogen loads. Effects of sulfur dioxide on growth and net photosynthesis of six Japanese forest tree species grown under different nitrogen loads. Trees, v. 26, n. 6... ...
Several common lichens and their isolated symbionts exhibited abnormal photosynthetic and respiratory rates after exposure to sulfur dioxide. Chlorophyll damage was not present in exposed phycobionts. Physiological evidence partially explains the great differences in lichen sensitivity which have been documented...
sulfur dioxideSO2 derivativesheart functioninotropic effectThe present study was designed to investigate the mechanisms underlying the effects of SO2 on functions of the isolated perfused hearts in rats. The results suggest that both SO2 and SO2 derivatives (sulfite: bisulfite, 3:1, M/M) elicited ...
Sulfur dioxidemouseliverThe present study examined the histopathologic effects of this gas on the mouse liver in acute and chronic exposure. Twenty eight male mice were divided into 4 groups. Group 1 (G1) as control ( not exposed to gas ), group 2 (G2) were exposed to high dose of (...
Effects of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions. (acid rain)Abelson, Philip H