Teens who smoke are three times more likely than nonsmokers to use alcohol, eight times more likely to use marijuana, and twenty-two times more likely to use cocaine. Smoking is engaged with a host of other risky behaviors, such as fighting and engaging in unprotected sex. In the February...
Research on the effects of marijuana usage during pregnancy is limited, yet there are still some noteworthy observations to address. A large study conducted on over 12,000 females did not find a statistical correlation between birth defects and marijuana use.12Conversely, other studies conducted repo...
13. “Smoking helps you lose weight, one lung at a time!”– Alfred E. Neuman 14. “Smoking is related to practically every terrible thing that can happen to you.”– Loni Anderson 15. “It’s better to hold a book between your fingers than to hold a cigarette.”― Bista Nirooj 1...
Cannabis is one of the most used drugs of abuse in the world. The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of smoking cannabis on vision and to relate these to those perceived by the user. Thirty-one cannabis users participated in this study. Visual function assessment was carried...
But although prevalence of consumption as well as potency of cannabis increased, the incidence of schizophrenia remained stable. The discontinuation hypothesis suggests that a potential increase of psychoses incidence may be relativized by more frequent cessation of consumption due to higher rates of ...
Not only is getting high with infused gummies, chocolates, or other edible products a waiting game, but the effects last longer than other modes of consumption. Vaping or smoking weed will get you high much faster, but the effects can peak in as little as thirty minutes, and the high may...
Effects on the Brain: THC binds strongly with CB1 receptors. It is this bond that leads to the sense of euphoria or the feeling of high commonly associated with smoking marijuana. CBD doesn’t bind with CB1 (cannabidiol 1) receptors in the brain. Even if it does, the bond is so weak ...
History of exposure to traumatic events (ETE) is common among women in substance use disorder (SUD) treatment and is related to craving. We examined whether ETE (i.e., emotional, physical, sexual abuse) in childhood, adulthood, or both is related to crav
scientists have been able to isolate and study the parts of marijuana. And according to them, there are a few components of hemp that are responsible foralleviating chronic pain. The human body processes ECS and the ECS system is responsible for regulating certain everyday functions, including th...
smoking, alcohol, and recreational drug use [7] have been linked to oxidative disturbances. Environmental and occupational exposures to ovo-toxicants can also alter reproductive stability [8–10]. Infertile couples often turn to assisted reproductive techniques (ART) to improve their chances of ...