B. (1993). Effects of self-esteem and perceived goal difficulty on goal setting, certainty, task performance, and attributions. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 4 , 153–170.Tang, T. L. & Reynolds, D. B. 9193). Effect of self-esteem and perceived goal difficulty on goal setting, ...
The relationship between enduring or personality characteristics and goal choice has been of considerable theoretical, but little empirical interest in recent years. From an expectancy value perspective, we addressed the impact of self-esteem and gender on choice of goal difficulty level. As predicted,...
Conclusion: These findings support the importance of establishing intervention strategies designed to decrease stress and depression of students to help them well adjust to school life. 展开 关键词: Adjustment Stress Depression Self-esteem 年份: 2023 ...
the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Inventory, the Interpersonal Competence Questionnaire, and the Humor Styles Questionnaire, and gave demographic information.Results: High self-esteem was associated with higher use of affiliative, aggressive, and self-enhancing humor styles, but lower use of self-defeating humor...
This incessant push towards idealized lives, often portrayed through luxury goods and perfect bodies, can erode self-esteem and promote materialism. For example, the portrayal of unattainable beauty standards in advertisements can contribute to body image issues, impacting individuals’ mental health. ...
Self-esteem and body esteem were stable over 2 years.Access through your organization Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access through your organization References (33) N. Allon Self-perceptions of the stigma of overweight in relationship to weight losing ...
This study examined the relationship between three of the “Big Five” traits (neuroticism, extraversion, and openness), self-esteem, loneliness and narcissism, and Facebook use. Participants were 393 first year undergraduate psychology students from a medium-sized Australian university who completed an...
This paper examined association of self-esteem, self-efficacy, and career resilience with the responses of 171 United States Army personnel making the transition to civilian jobs. Specifically, the study addresses whether personality traits are related to the appraisal of the transition from Army to ...
of Self-Esteem and peer pressure on their false memory.Conclusion:(1) False recognition of the critical lure was higher than the related items and unrelated items,false recognition of the related items was higher than unrelated items;(2) The associative false memory was influenced by Self-esteem...
Self-talk can improve cognitive performance, but the underlying mechanism of such improvement has not been investigated. This study aimed to elucidate the effects of self-talks on functional connectivity associated with cognitive performance. We used the