A special agent from the EPA's Office of Inspector General showed up at the senior- level employee's office to find out why he'd stored por- nographic images on the network servers. The agent walked in on the guy—you guessed it—watching porn. When pressed, the employee admitted he'...
Pornography consumption does not appear to be isolated to a small subset of society. Recent research examining pornography consumption suggests that at a minimum 27% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 89 have viewed pornography (Wright et al.2014) and the rate of consumption is likely cons...
http://thepriceofpleasure.com/ If you are interested in other things Jensen has written on this subject, check online at: http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/%7Erjensen/articles_gender.html Learn how pervasive porn is in our society, from sexy lingerie for young girls to the playboy bunny necklace...
"Basically... porn is everywhere": a rapid evidence assessment on the effects that access and exposure to pornography has on children and young people This Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA) was commissioned by the Office of the Children's Commissioner (OCC) as part of its Inquiry into Child Sex...
Self paced - This presentation helps parents understand how teen brains function and addresses the harmful effects of porn on the brain. Select date and time February 13 · 11pm - February 14 · 1am CST Sunday February 16 11:00 PM
The current European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guideline suggests initiating ACEI or ARB and beta-blockers as a primary prevention for high-risk patients receiving doxorubicin2. However, the benefit of these cardioprotective agents was modest and had only minimal impact on clinical outcomes2. ...
Significant differences in the change of TKA were observed between the 2 Groups (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the findings indicate that the MHCE led to better improvements in TKA and hip JPS compared to the CHCE.Maidee, PanyapornSanguanrungsirikul, Sompol...
KOA has become a high-incidence human disease and has caused a great negative impact on people’s lives and work. The Osteoarthritis Society International (OARSI) recommends conservative treatment rather than surgery as the first-line management solution for KOA, which emphasizes the importance of ...
Bisphenol A (BPA), an endocrine-disrupting chemical, is increasingly linked to the pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This study investigates the effects of prenatal BPA exposure on neural stem cells (NSCs) from the hippocampi of rat offspri
Royal Society of Chemistry. The inset shows the tetravanadate [V4O12]4− anion in a combined polyhedral and ball-and- stick representation anionic nature allows solid-state stabilization using coun- terions from the starting materials in or intentionally add- ing bulky cations [32–34]. ...