Explain to Bernard, in a way that he can understand, what has happened to his prostate gland as a result of aging. Describe the effects of sunlight on bone development and growth. What is the evidence for gender differences in...
In addition to these immune-boosting effects, researchers have found that sunlight may reduce the risk of infection in health care environments, as the majority of airborne microbes that cause infection cannot tolerate sunlight and are especially susceptible to direct (rather than diffused) sunlight.[...
during which they visited the laboratory for a total of four times: One adaptation night (day 1) and three 32.5-h protocol visits to assess the effect of the light exposure (1 h each, starting 30 min after HBT, as indicated by the yellow boxes) conditions on the human circadian clo...
Careful site selection is important to reduce the human effect on the surrounding environment. For example, placing a structure in an area that allows it to take advantage of cool wind and sunlight can reduce energy use and expenses. More energy and expenses are needed for larger buildings as ...
Evening exposure to short-wavelength light can affect the circadian clock, sleep and alertness. Intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells expressing melanopsin are thought to be the primary drivers of these effects. Whether colour-sensitive con
a莎莉喜欢沿着马路走享受阳光 Sha Li likes along the street walking enjoys the sunlight[translate] a你介意你的离开吗? You minded you leave?[translate] a他和我都是警察 He and I all are the police[translate] a氢氧电池 Oxyhydrogen cell[translate] ...
People have always considered the exposure to non-ionising radiation with scepticism. The prospect that exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) can have a deleterious effect or any effect on cellular behaviour has been debated in scientific and journali
[40,46,47]. The sunlight has a continuous spectrum and is rich in blue light. Thus, exposure to daylight provides an advantage of not only visual enhancement but also regulating the body’s circadian circle and improving the occupants’ well-being and productivity [40]. The advancement of ...
The fact that natural organisms can develop innumerable defense mechanisms against sunlight has led to the isolation and updating of numerous novel naturally occurring tyrosinase inhibitors. The isolation of ( −)-N-formylanonaine from the magnoliaceae plant Michelia alba as an antioxidant and huma...
reactions with sunlight (photolysis), rain out, ordry depositiononto the earth's surface. The shortest lived species are highly chemically reactive (e.g.,nitrogen oxide, NO, which is directly emitted from combustion, and rapidly converted tonitrogen dioxide, NO2) or highly sensitive to photolys...