The deposition of anthropogenically fixed nitrogen (N) from the atmosphere onto land and plant surfaces has strong influences on terrestrial ecosystem processes. Although recent research has expanded our understanding of how N deposition affects ecosystems directly, less attention has been directed toward ...
【Objective】The aim of the experiment is to investigate the effects of nitrogen application rates on soil microbial community and enzyme activities in Lou soil.【Method】From July 15 to September 30 in 2009,using microbial analysis system BIOLOG,the soil microbial community and the dynamic change ...
Soil microbes comprise a large portion of the genetic diversity on Earth and influence a large number of important ecosystem processes. Increasing atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition represents a major global change driver; however, it is still debated whether the impacts of N deposition on soil mic...
温度、光照和氮磷浓度对谷皮菱形藻生长的影响 effetcs of temperature, illumination, nitrogen and phosphorus concentration on growth of nitzschia palea 不同营养盐浓度下微绿球藻的生长及水体中氮磷的变化 不同浓度氮_磷对杜氏盐藻生长的影响 (微生物学专业优秀论文)有机碳源和植物生长调节剂对铜绿微囊藻生长及产...
Two experiments were used to determine the effects of environment-friendly diets on growth performance, fecal excretion, nitrogen excretion and emission gases in manure for growing pigs. In experiment 1, ninety six crossed pigs(Landrace×Yorkshire×Duroc) were allocated into four treatments. Treatments...
Nitrogen fertilizer is considered to be an effective up-regulatory element for crop growth. The objective of this investigation was to evaluate effects of nitrogen on cotton resistance to soil waterlogging in terms of the changes of root dry matter accumulation, antioxidant enzyme activities and root...
These are hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen according to their atomic number. There are seven other major elements called the macrominerals, which are integral elements that maintain the ionic balance of structural compounds, amino acids and nucleic acids. These include sodium, magnesium, ...
Here we develop a highly stable and efficient single-atom catalyst for propane dehydrogenation that is based on Ru single atoms on nitrogen-doped carbon (Ru1/NC). The turnover frequency of Ru1/NC is at least three times higher than that of nanoparticle counterparts, resulting in propylene ...
Therefore this study examined the effect of the commonly limiting resources soil N, P and moisture on the growth of E. globulus and A. mearnsii mixtures in a pot trial. Pots containing two E. globulus plants, two A. mearnsii plants or one of each species were treated with high and low ...
High atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition is expected to impair phosphorus (P) nutrition of temperate forest ecosystems. We examined N and P cycling in organic soil horizons of temperate forests exposed to long-term N addition in the northeastern USA and Scandinavia. We determined N and P concentr...