The literature on biological effects of magnetic and electromagnetic fields commonly utilized in magnetic resonance imaging systems is surveyed here. After an introduction on the basic principles of magnetic resonance imaging and the electric and magnetic properties of biological tissues, the basic phenomena...
MRI imaging uses magnets and radio waves. Therefore, pacemakers, artificial bones or joints, and even IUDs can cause problems, as the MRI uses strong magnets to create images. In addition, MRI machines may be problematic for people with claustrophobia. To minimize this risk, imaging centers incr...
namely the circadian clock (CC), which helps organisms to adapt to the 24-h cycle of the earth to control their daily physiology and behavior rhythms. Molecular pacemakers inside organisms drive the CC. In mammals, the coordination of essential behavioral, hormonal, and other physiological ...
image acquisition is longer, noisier and more prone to artifacts limiting the diagnostic value; it is not feasible for patients with claustrophobia, there are safety hazards for patients with some metal implants and foreign bodies (e.g., pacemakers), and there is a reduced availability of MRI ...