At doses at and above 7.5 micrograms/kg/min which increased mean arterial pressure, dopamine further increased sodium clearance (CNa) while ERPF was decreasing, indicating the contribution of pressure natriuresis at these high doses. Although not affecting the percentage increase in CNa, metoprolol ...
The authors have previously shown that high alcohol preference rats (HAP) have a significantly higher sensitivity than low alcohol preference rats (LAP) for methamphetamine (MAP). In this study, changes in dopamine and serotonin release induced by MAP (1 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) after pre-treatme...
(2006). A common haplotype of the dopamine transporter gene associated with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and interacting with maternal use of alcohol during pregnancy. Archives of General Psychiatry, 63 (1), 74–81. PubMed Google Scholar Brown, A. S. (2006). Prenatal infection as ...
We conclude that dopamine is an effective inotropic agent in the newborn lamb but that an inotropic:afterload mismatch exists at high infusion rates. Despite an increase in cardiac output at low rates of infusion, dopamine did not selectively vasodilate the vascular bed of any organs tested. ...
The hemodynamic effects of dopamine are dose dependent: Low dosage: 1 to 5 mcg/kg/minute, increased renal blood flow and urine output Intermediate dosage: 5 to 15 mcg/kg/minute, increased renal blood flow, heart rate, cardiac contractility, cardiac output, and blood pressure High dosage: grea...
However, the deficits resulting from dopamine depletions were largely a manifestation of a decrease in response rate; although time to complete the last ratio was significantly reduced by dopamine depletions in the first few days of testing, rats recovered on this measure by the fifth day after ...
Rhesus monkeys were surgically prepared with chronic intravenous catheters and allowed to self-administer the indirect dopamine (DA) agonist cocaine (0.03 or 0.1 mg/kg/inj) or the direct D 2 agonist piribedil (0.1 or 0.2 mg/kg/inj) on a fixed-ratio 10 schedule of drug delivery during daily...
Hypotension due to inadequate cardiac output can be managed by administration of low to moderate doses of dopamine HCl, which have little effect on SVR. At high therapeutic doses, the alphaadrenergic activity of dopamine becomes more prominent and thus may correct hypotension due to diminished SVR...
Hypotension due to inadequate cardiac output can be managed by administration of low to moderate doses of dopamine HCl, which have little effect on SVR. At high therapeutic doses, the alphaadrenergic activity of dopamine becomes more prominent and thus may correct hypotension due to diminished SVR...
In the fifth (dishabituation) test, the swab carried the other Dopamine receptors, estrous cycle, and social learning E Choleris et al odor. The 'meshed' swab was held with a commercial plastic clothespin on top of the cage's lid and left in place for 5 min. Half of the mice received...