I find that propagation of disinformation through social media drives domestic terrorism. Using mediation tests I also verify that disinformation disseminated through social media increases domestic terrorism by, among other processes, enhancing political polarization within society....
Donald Trump's largely unexpected victory in the 2016 presidential election quickly led to accusations that social media sites should monitor and curb the spread of ‘fake news,’ a term little known to the public until that point (Solon, 2016). A prevailing concern is that widespread fake new...
Research indicates that fact-checking has inconsistent effects on our beliefs and behavioral intentions about disinformation. But would it help if we source news from highly credible source and/or fact-check them using highly credible fact-checkers? This study explores this question by postulating the...
Authors in (Clayton et al., 2019) examined whether strategies that social media companies such as Twitter and Facebook use to oppose false stories or “fake news” would have the intended effect. This study also evaluated the efficacy of different types of warnings: (i) a general warning, ...
Funnily enough I actually saw Q’s posts when they first appeared. I have no idea whether it was the same person who was making later posts and if they were a troll or disinformation or whatever they were. But I never took much notice of them them beyond “Huh, that’s interesting. ...
” Not to be outdone, “The EU chief called for governments and private firms to form a “new connective tissue” to “deliver the solutions we need, to fight threats like climate change or industrial-scale disinformation.” Starting in February, social media companies and websites will face ...
An online experiment tested the effects of "fake news" labels as discounting cues on individuals' ability to correctly identify disinformation and their motivations to authenticate it with other credible sources. Results showed main effects of this "fake news" cue in online comments on participants'...
Fake newsAlthough the need to understand the mechanisms of disinformation correction has been recognized, research on the effects of different forms of correcting messages is still scarce. Based on assumptions of the continued influence effect, we tested in a 2 (detailed versus simple correction) 脳...
The label "fake news" was used in 2016 to describe disinformation messages disseminated during the 2016 US Presidential campaign, particularly such messages on social media sites, but the term was quickly co-opted by President Donald Trump and his administration for use as a general epithet to ...
How persuasive are political cheapfakes disseminated via social media? The effects of out-of-context visual disinformation on message credibility and issue agreementView further author informationRens VliegenthartView further author informationToni van der Meer...