Amanda Harper
Though the harmful effects of plastic on wildlife and human health are well-documented,this material is hard to avoid.Nearly everything we touch,from grocery bags to drink bottles,to food packaging,contains plastic.Now,Amsterdam's Ekoplaza supermarket is making it a little easier for consumers to...
In recent years, electronic waste has become the fastest growing waste stream globally with potential deleterious environmental and public health effects from its hazardous constituents. This review aims at providing an up-to-date information on the environmental and public health effects of e- wastes...
4. Intake of heavy metal in human body through vegetables The industries are growing day by day in our country. The waste chemical contaminated water from these industries is directly thrown in river, sea, etc. Also the wastes, garbage from city is thrown in the water. This is the major ...
In addition , rec ycled resources found locally ar e used for gree n buildings , reducing th e cost and air polluti on associated with transporting materials long distances .Careful sit e selection is important to min imiz e () human impact on th e surrou nding environment . For exampl...
Epidemiologic investigations have previously been published in more than 200 papers, and several studies have examined the impacts of particle air pollution on health. The main conclusions now being made about the epidemiological evidence of particle pollution-induced health impacts are discussed in this...
thedamaging effects ofsunlight 太阳光的破坏作用 ~ to sb / sth Lead ispotentially damaging tochildren’s health. 铅对儿童的健康具有潜在危害。 The loss of jobs wasdamaging tomorale. 裁员影响了士气 四、adverse(adj.) [usually before noun]不利...
This article summarizes salient literature on human health effects of hazardous waste and suggests actions for primary care providers to consider. (Am J Obstet Gynecol 1999;180:S12-S16.)BarryL.JohnsonSDOSAmerican Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology...
Until the scientific community reaches a general agreement on the effects of coffee consumption on human health,it will be up to the individual to decide whether the benefits of drinking coffee are greater than the risks. When informed of these possible health benefits and harms of drinking coffee...