The effects of drink-driving checkpoints on crashes--a meta-analysis. Accid Anal Prev 2009; 41: 914-23.Erke, A.; Goldenbeld, C.; Vaa, T. (2009); The effects of drink-driving checkpoints on crashes - A meta-analysis; Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 41, pp. 914-923....
At designated points on the drive, which coincided with instructions to eat or drink, a critical incident was simulated by programming a pedestrian to walk in front of the car. Whilst the driving performance variables measured were relatively unaffected by eating and drinking, perceived driver work...
Random Breath Alcohol Testing (RBT) by the police was introduced in South Australia in October 1981 for a trial period of three years. Changes in attitudes to drink- driving, in blood alcohol concentrations (BACS) off the general driving population, in the characteristics of accidents and the ...
of age).MeasurementsRespondents were asked about their drinking patterns, past-year experience of driving within 2 hours of drinking, drinking-related attitudes and reported deterrents to drink driving.FindingsFollowing the legislative changes, the age-standardized past-year prevalence of drink driving ...
The role of interocular differences simulated by filters (fog filter and Bangerter foil) on visual and driving performance in alcohol users was assessed. We found that the binocular visual function deteriorates significantly in terms of contrast sensitivity (from 6 to 18 cpd). Additionally, driving...
Once South Africa's strict new drunk-driving laws come into effect this month, no one will be allowed behind the wheel of a motor vehicle after even one drink. Photo by Clark Van Der Beken on Unsplash Currently, it’s still legal to get behind the wheel if your blood-alcohol level is...
What are drinking guidelines and why are they important? What are the consequences of drinking and driving? Hear from real people about how drink driving has impacted their lives, in our new interactive experience, Wrong Side of the Road. Start learning...
Positive effects of Red Bull Energy Drink on driving performance during prolonged driving BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to examine if Red Bull Energy Drink can counteract sleepiness and driving impairment during prolonged driving. ME... MAJ Mets,S Ketzer,C Blom,... - 《Psychopharmaco...
This project concerned the relationship between age, cognitive deficits, and driving performance under varying workload conditions. Older and younger subjects were administered a battery of tests designed to assess information processing skills, and personality traits that were thought to underpin driving ...
bedtime, instead of the higher doses. Cut a 1-mg immediate release tablet in half to get a 0.5 mg dose if lower doses are not available; don’t do this with time release products. Also, don't drink alcohol with the time-release preparation, as it can disrupt the time-release ...